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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Fascist RSS may not hijack our Baba Saheb Make Money Guillotines Hungry for every drop of Indian blood,every piece of Indian bones! Just remember the last days of the first Reforms god as Arun Shourie rips into the trio running the government: Narendra Modi, Arun Jaitley and Amit Shah Kolkata made History as We marched with Indian National Flag on the nose of TMC muscle Power and pledged to launch freedom struggle once again uniting all patriotic Indian Citizens,making everyone of them the movement of the bonded labour turned ninety nine percent Indian Population imprisoned in the gas chambers of this US plus Israel periphery of emerging market governed by the fascism aligned with zionism.

Fascist RSS may not hijack our Baba Saheb

Make Money Guillotines Hungry for every drop of Indian blood,every piece of Indian bones!

Just remember the last days of the first Reforms god as Arun Shourie rips into the trio running the government: Narendra Modi, Arun Jaitley and Amit Shah

Kolkata made History as We marched with Indian National Flag on the nose of TMC muscle Power and pledged to launch freedom struggle once again uniting all patriotic Indian Citizens,making everyone of them the movement of the bonded labour turned ninety nine percent Indian Population imprisoned in the gas chambers of this US plus Israel periphery of emerging market governed by the fascism aligned with zionism.

Palash Biswas

Kolkata made a history on May day as Ambedkarite activists were the only representatives of working class who marched on Red Road neglecting the captured geography of absolute ruler Mamata Banerjee who succeeded to wipe out RED even on May Day.Now the REd should stand with the majority deprived HAVE Nots if it intends to come back to the lost ground.

We marched with Indian National Flag on the nose of TMC muscle Power and pledged to launch freedom struggle once again uniting all patriotic Indian Citizens,making everyone of them the movement of the bonded labour turned ninety nine percent Indian Population imprisoned in the gas chambers of this US plus Israel periphery of emerging market governed by the fascism aligned with zionism.

Now,the majority seems to be prepared to end the identity politics and the politics of corporate funding and corporate lobbying.

Since we have been reduced to the status of biometric cloned digital robotic faceless bonded subject under a super militarised atomic hegemonial class rule with Hindu Imperialist agenda,we opted for the National flag as the weapon to stand united rock solid against this hegemony of sedition,the SELL OFF GOLDEN BIRD Ethnic Cleansing horses and Bulls brigade of hungry money making guillotines which happen to be thirsty of every Indian drop of blood,every Indian piece of bones.

We have no other weapon to stand united against this regime of mass destruction,regime of Salwa Judum Regime of AFSA,Regime of making India free of tribal people, non Hindus,Non Aryans ,entire working class including all agrarian classes,retailers and even Indian Business and Industry ,not to mention the employees!

Baba Saheb Dr BR Ambedkar may not be hijacked,RSS should note this point as Kolkata procession is going to trade the entire geography of this geopolitics irrespective of identity and political borders and HAVE NOTS Have decided to reject the religious nationalism playing havoc all over the globe destroying Man,Environment and Nature,Civilization and humanity.

We are inspired by the leader of Humanity DR.BR Ambedkar!

Just remember the Policy Paralysis days of DR.Manmohan Singh.Just remember the intense international campaign to install him as the supreme God to make in an America plus Israel enveloped with Gujarat.

Just remember!Manmohan phenomenon continued for full twenty three years since 1991 and ended with Global Zionist DISORDER of racial ethnic cleansing making a quite turnaround to opt for RSS Imperialist Hindutva governance of fascism to kill the Golden Bird that India still remains!

Just one year and the agencies of mass destruction with an agenda of complete privatization,complete disinvestment, complete decontrol,complete deregulation,complete Tax Holiday for foreign capital,complete FDI Raj of thousands of thousands East India Companies, complete depopulation of indigenous demography and complete ethnic cleansing of working class enlarged with retailers,employees,farmers,small and medium Indian business communities and the whole lot of non Hindus,non Aryan,SC,ST,OBC and minorities are quite disillusioned with the Gujarati PPP genocide culture of governance!

Thus,Former Union Minister of DISINVESTMENT Arun Shourie on Friday criticised the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre over its economic policies, calling them directionless. "Government is more concerned about managing headlines than putting policies in place," Shourie said.

Amusing it should sound as Arun Shourie  accused Modi, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah of monopolising decision-making processes.

Shourie said that government decisions were now centralised to the Prime Minister's Office, adding that they lacked "expertise and talent quotient".

Shourie further stated that the government was alienating its allies through its plans for political expansion. However, he praised Modi for his handling of the India's foreign policy, saying that the Prime Minister had recognised the challenge posed to the country by China.

RSS may not hijack our Baba Saheb but it loses no opportunity to accomplish its agenda of cent percent Hindutva not only in India but all over Indian subcontinent and RSS governance has been extended upto Nepal.

RSS has launched an unprecedented monopolistic corporate kesaria mass destruction campaign of Hidnutva.As Arun Shourie confirms beyond doubt,we the people of South Asia should united as a singular unit of Humanity which had been led by DR.BR Ambedkar.

The Ambedkar movement for annihilation of caste to make human society ,the society of peace,equality, justice and fraternity must be extended as an umbrella for human kind all over the globe for the sustenance of Man and Nature under monopolistic aggression of the Hindu Imperialism Zionist alliance of fascism and disorder.

Mind you, a US panel tracking international religious freedom has, in its latest report on India, noted that religious minorities in the country were exposed to "derogatory" comments by leaders of the ruling BJP as well as "violent attacks and forced conversions by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)" since the Narendra Modigovernment took over last year.

It has also slammed the "ghar wapsi" campaign and accused the "Hindu nationalist groups" of offering monetary inducements not only to Muslims and Christians to convert to Hinduism but also to Hindus who carry out such "forced" conversions.Times of India reported.

The findings of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), largely based on the accounts of religious leaders of the minorities and non-government organisations in India, have led it to place India on its Tier 2 list of countries for the seventh year in a row.

However, even as it reported on the alleged violation of rights of Christians and Muslims in India in 2014, the panel squeezed in a reference to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's February 17 statement (made after the period covered by the report) condemning attacks on churches and assuring protection to the minorities, describing it as a "positive development".

Yet, what is certain to rile India, the panel juxtaposed Modi's February 17 assurance to Christians with the 2002 Gujarat riots, stating that the statement was notable given the "long-standing allegations that, as chief minister of Gujarat in 2002, Modi was complicit in anti-Muslim riots in that state" .

The report recalls that the State department had, in the light of these allegations, revoked in 2005 a tourist visa granted to Modi, "under a provision in the Immigration and Nationality Act that makes any foreign government official who was responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom" ineligible for a US visa. "Prime Minister Modi remains the only person known to have been denied a visa based on this provision," it emphasized.

Noting that incidents of "religiously-motivated and communal violence reportedly have increased for three consecutive years," the USCIRF report stated that Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Odisha, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan "tend to have the greatest number of religiously-motivated attacks and communal violence incidents".

"NGOs and religious leaders, including from the Muslim, Christian, and Sikh communities, attributed the initial increase to religiously-divisive campaigning in advance of the country's 2014 general election. Since the election, religious minority communities have been subject to derogatory comments by politicians linked to the ruling BJP and numerous violent attacks and forced conversions by Hindu nationalist groups, such as RSS and VHP," according to the findings of USCIRF on the status of religious freedom in India during the past year.

"Based on these concerns, USCIRF again places India on its Tier 2 list of countries, where it has been since 2009," said the panel. Slamming the ghar wapsi campaign, the USCIRF report noted that Hindu nationalist groups were not only paying off Christians and Muslims to convert to Hinduism but also reportedly offering monetary incentives to Hindus to convert Christians and Muslims to Hinduism.

"In December 2014, Hindu nationalist groups announced plans to forcibly reconvert at least 4,000 Christian families and 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism in UP on Christmas Day as part of the so-called Ghar Wapsi program".

"In advance of the program, the Hindu groups sought to raise money for their campaign, noting that it cost nearly Rs 2 lakh (nearly $3200) per Christian and Rs 5 lakh ($8,000) per Muslim". However, it added, domestic and international criticism led "Mohan Bhagwat, a RSS leader" to postpone the programme. The report also referred to the alleged mass ceremony held in Agra in December last year to forcibly reconvert hundreds of Muslims to Hinduism.

Thus,Sharadindu Uddipan writes:

Celebration of LABOR DAY

1st May, KOLKATA:

The activists of Ambedharite Movement made the LABOR DAY as historical day and offered their hearty respect to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar the 1st Indian Labor minister of British Rule (1942-1946) and the main architect of Indian Constitution. Hundreds of workers from different sectors jointly made a rally from Rani Rashmoni Road to the statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at near Fort William. The workers from Bank of Baroda, UCO bank, Lawyers' Association, Amala Farm Campus and Conscious Bengal started a rally from Metro Channel. They have raised their voice against the brutal corporate attack launched by the Government of India. With the remembrance of International Labor Day originated by the workers of USA the activist focused on Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and his mega inclusive contribution for the people. Truly he is the FATHER OF MODERN INDIA.

Here I am including some reforms done by Dr. BR. Ambedkar as Labor Minister of India during his time :

He sworn as the Labor Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council in July 7, 1942.

Reduction in Factory Working Hours (8 hours duty) :

He settled 8 hours working time in place of 14 to 16 hours for workers in India. It was announced on the 7th session of Indian Labor Conference in New Delhi, November 27, 1942.

Right to Trade Union.

Mines Maternity Benefit Act,

Women Labor welfare fund,

Women and Child, Labor Protection Act,

Maternity Benefit for women Labor, 5. Restoration of Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work in Coal Mines,

Indian Factory Act.

National Employment Agency (Employment Exchange):

Employees State Insurance (ESI):

Dearness Allowance (DA) to Workers.

Leave Benefit to Piece Workers.

Revision of Scale of Pay for Employees.

Coal and Mica Mines Provident Fund

Labor Welfare Funds:

Health Insurance Scheme.

Provident Fund Act.

Factory Amendment Act.

Labor Disputes Act.

Minimum wage.

Really it is a great Day for the people of India to show their respect to the Greatest Indian Dr. B.R.Ambedkar.

Jai Bhim Jai Bharat.

'Celebration of LABOR DAY  1st May, KOLKATA:  The activists of Ambedharite Movement made the LABOR DAY as historical day and offered their hearty respect to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar the 1st Indian Labor minister of British Rule (1942-1946) and the main architect of Indian Constitution. Hundreds of workers from different sectors jointly made a rally from Rani Rashmoni Road to the statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at near Fort William. The workers from Bank of Baroda, UCO bank, Lawyers' Association, Amala Farm Campus and Conscious Bengal started a rally from Metro Channel. They have raised their voice against the brutal corporate attack launched by the Government of India.'

'Celebration of LABOR DAY  1st May, KOLKATA:  The activists of Ambedharite Movement made the LABOR DAY as historical day and offered their hearty respect to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar the 1st Indian Labor minister of British Rule (1942-1946) and the main architect of Indian Constitution. Hundreds of workers from different sectors jointly made a rally from Rani Rashmoni Road to the statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at near Fort William. The workers from Bank of Baroda, UCO bank, Lawyers' Association, Amala Farm Campus and Conscious Bengal started a rally from Metro Channel. They have raised their voice against the brutal corporate attack launched by the Government of India.'

Saradindu Uddipan's photo.

Saradindu Uddipan's photo.

नेपाल भूकम्पीय जोखिमको हिसाबले अति संवेदनशील छ भन्ने कुरामा भूगर्भविदहरूले वर्षौँदेखि सजग गराउँदै आएका थिए र यसका प्रमाणहरू पनि प्रशस्तै थिए। तर यसलाई सरकारी, गैरसरकारी र जनस्तरबाट पनि पर्याप्त ध्यान दिन सकिएन। यसमा जब समस्या पर्छ, अनिमात्र सोच्ने हाम्रो परिपाटी जिम्मेवार छ। यसले हाम्रा कमजोरीहरूलाई प्रस्ट्याइदिएको छ र भविष्यका लागि पाठ पनि दिएको छ।

नेपालमा वैसाक १२ गते शनिवार दिउंसो ११:५६ वजे ७.९ रिक्टर स्केलको अत्यन्त शक्तिशाली एवं प्रचण्ड-विनाशकारी महा-भूकम्प आयो। तत्पश्चात अर्को दिन ६.९ रिक्टर स्केल लगाएत हिजो सम्म ठूला र साना गरी भूकम्पका सैकडौं झटकाहरू लगातार आई रहे। यो वि. स. १९९० पश्चातको नेपाल र नेपाली जनतामाथि परेको सवै भन्दा निर्मम,  ठूलो दुखद र भयङ्कर त्रासदी हो। त्यसवाट अहिले यो स्ट्याटस् लेख्दा सम्ममा सम्पूर्ण नेपाल भरिमा करीव ७,००० मानिसको मृत्यू भैसकेको र १४,००० भन्दा बढी घाईते भएको खवर प्राप्त भएको छ।

Meanwhile,the death toll due to the earthquake which struck Nepal on April 25 reached 6,250, the country's government said on Friday. Over 14,350 people had been injured due to the quake, the government said. Local officials stated that many of the dead could be migrant workers from India. Up to 1000 European citizens were also unaccounted for around popular trekking routes in the country, a delegation of the European Union claimed.

However, the EU's Ambassador to Nepal stated that it did not mean that they were all dead.

"They could have left the country without telling anyone before the earthquake struck," said Rensje Teerink.

Meanwhile, rescuers are still struggling to clear debris and search for survivors in various parts of the country. The country's government said that it would give $1,000 each to the families of those killed and an additional $400 for funeral costs.

মে দিবসে লাল পতাকা কোথায়? বামপন্থী দলেরা কি মে দিবস ছেড়ে দিল না কি? কোথায় হারিয়ে গেল সেই গান, বাইরে এখন হাজার হাজার লাল পতাকা, বাইরে এখন শিকল ভাঙ্গার ভীষণ পণ ?????

মে দিবসে লাল পতাকা কোথায়?

বামপন্থী দলেরা কি মে দিবস ছেড়ে দিল না কি?

কোথায় হারিয়ে গেল সেই গান,

বাইরে এখন হাজার হাজার লাল পতাকা,

বাইরে এখন শিকল ভাঙ্গার ভীষণ পণ ?????

সংগ্রামী অভিনন্দন জানাই আম্বেদকরবাদী কর্মী বৃন্দদের যারা কোলকাতায় এক নতুন ইতিহাস স্থাপন করলেন। অভিনন্দন জানাই সেই সব শ্রমিক, কৃষক, ব্যবহারজীবি, কর্মচারী সাধারণ মানুষকে যারা দেশ বিক্রি করার চক্রান্তের বিরুদ্ধে জাতীয় পতাকা নিয়ে এক সার্বিক ভাগিদারী আন্দোলনের সূচনা করলেন।

জয় ভীম, জয় ভারত।

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