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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] India Revolution International Campaign [1 Attachment]

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From: Comitato Sostegno GP India <>
Date: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:48 AM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] India Revolution International Campaign [1 Attachment]

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india international campaign

Support The People's War In India
2 - 9 April 2011 - International Week Of Support
In India the people's war is intensifying day by day, led by Maoist Communist Party of India. It
involves and relies on the support of millions of poor peasants, women, masses of untouchables,
and now controls about ten States of the Confederation of India.
It is a people's war against poverty, feudal capitalistic exploitation, in the regions where most acute
are the contradictions brought by the turbulent development of plundering resources, caste
oppression and exploitation, by the Indian capital linked to imperialism.
With the aid and support of the imperialists, particularly U. S. imperialists, Indian reactionary ruling
classes try to suffocate the revolutionary movement, carrying out huge atrocities, whose barbarism
is unprecedented.
The Indian government, on behalf of imperialism, describes the People's War as the greatest threat
to its internal security, and launched a nationwide unprecedented offensive called "green hunt",
with massive use of ultra-armed troops, police and paramilitary forces, aimed to sow terror and
genocide amongst the peoples of India, through raids, indiscriminate destruction, rapes and massive
murders, arrests and disappearances, trying to assassinate leaders, as the Comrade Azad, a top
Maoist leader of the CPI(M). All this with the illusion of drowning in blood the struggle of the
people for their liberation.
But the Indian masses join the People's War, giving birth to large protests and strikes against rising
prices, corruption and state terrorism.
The imperialist governments, U.S., Europe, Russia, with their mass media support the criminal
action of the Indian government; but in these countries protest and solidarity also grow.
The Indian masses, led by the Maoist Communist Party of India, are writing an important historical
page in the world class struggle today.
The development of people's war in India confirms that the revolution today is the main trend in the
world and that Maoism plays the role of command and leadership of the new great wave of world
revolution against the imperialism in crisis.
The world proletariat is aware that the advance of people's war in India puts under question not only
the balance of power in the South Asian region but also the equilibrium of the world imperialist
The International Committee in support of the people's war launches a great international campaign,
to be conducted in all forms, in most number of countries as possible, through a week of action,
from 2nd to 9th of April 2011.
This campaign is and must be the reflect of the proletarian internationalism and the advancing unity
of the international proletariat, of revolutionaries, democratic forces and the oppressed nations and
peoples around the world.
2-9 April International week in Support of People's War in India
The program of the campaign in Italy
The campaign in Italy was carried out in a spirit of unity, with the objective of helping the
communist and revolutionary forces, including youth and women, better understand its importance,
both nationally and internationally.
"We are like drops in the sea but the sea is made of many drops:" that was the spirit of our work in
Each advance of the revolutions in other countries is a drop in this sea; when transformed into the
sea of armed masses, it can really change the face of the world.
Daily information was circulated, including distribution and posting of the international call. A slide
show and a video were produced. No central activity was held but local and regional initiatives
reached a significant number of workers, unemployed, precarious workers, students, women and
Meetings of workers and migrants took place in Venezia Marghera, Taranto, Palermo, Turin.
Street actions happened in popular neighbourhoods in Milan; meetings were held at the University
of Palermo.
A resolution of support was widely circulated as a leaflet and gained support from factory workers
in Taranto, Bergamo and Palermo.
Resolution signed by Workers and unemployed
India, the country where "workers burn masters"
We, workers, temporary workers, unemployed, salute the struggle of the Indian masses against the
reactionary regime of India and imperialism that supports it.
In India the masses struggle against the masters, who sack and exploit them, against high prices,
corruption and state terrorism, with huge demonstrations and strikes, factory occupations, attacks
against the masters.
In India the government decided to sell the natural and human resources to Western imperialist
transnational companies and the owners of the new monopolies of automobile and steel such as
Tata, Essar, Jindal, Mittal, etc. which draw profits from the uncontrolled exploitation of workers,
often women and children, profits that allow them to become purchasers and shareholders of the big
international monopolies in the sector, in alliance with the western masters.
Against all this, Indian masses rise up and develop a people's war led by the party of the working
class of India, the Communist Party of India Maoist.
Against the rebel masses, the Indian government and imperialists unleashed a repression, called
"Green Hunt", that is made of massacres, summary executions, suppression of entire villages and
sectors of the population, to try sweep away what the masters of the world call "the most serious
internal threat and a danger to the international system", i.e. the people's war that aims to establish
the people's power based on the unity of workers and peasants, to overthrow the imperialists, the
bourgeoisie and the feudal classes.
The struggle for rights of workers and people, the struggle for jobs, wages, better living conditions,
the struggle for freedom and democracy, the struggle to overthrow the power of the masters and for
the power in the hands of workers and the masses, is an international struggle that unites us all over
the world.
For this, we express the utmost solidarity with Indian masses, the party leads them, for they reject
the attacks of the enemy and advance to victory.
2-9 April International week in Support of People's War in India
Message by Red Bloc
The young Maoists of Red Block, youth organization of -Pcm Italy, joins the International
Campaign to Support the People's War in India. In India there is an ongoing People's War waged by
the heroic People's Liberation Guerrilla Army and directed by the glorious Communist Party of
India (Maoist), which is changing the face of the second most populous country in the world. In the
"largest democracy in the world" where instead most of the people living in poverty and
dispossessed of their fundamental rights for the benefit of the Indian capitalism serving imperialism,
in the liberated areas is developing people's democracy of the poor masses, peasants , adivasis and
tribals, women, a true embryonic state of new democracy that is the prelude of socialism.
Reactionary Indian state wants to nip in the bud this and last year launched Operation Green Hunt, a
real war against the people who are struggling in India with the use of hundreds of thousands of
paramilitary and criminal genocidal campaign in which the people are heroically resisting both in
the "red corridor" iand n the rest of India where is the democratic solidarity of the intelligentsia in
the universities and cities in general.
With genuine internationalist spirit we support the People's War in India as it is critical for the
advancement of world revolution, for us young Maoist revolutionaries operating in imperialists
towns and cities , the People's War in India is a source of inspiration and encouragement in our
revolutionary work . For this we will be busy, especially during the campaign, information and
mobilization of young people in support of the People's War in India in schools, universities and
proletarians neighborhoods where we operate.
Red Block
Maoist Youth Organization
Message by MFPR
The Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement joins the international campaign to support the
people's war in India, and takes this opportunity to send his greetings and embrace to the feminine
Indian masses and the women who participate and support the people's war and the Communist
Party of India Maoist.
All the international press has noted that women are at first line to guide the revolution in India. A
recent survey showed that among about 290 the Maoists operating in the areas of people's war in
Maharahstra, 74 are women,
and women are members of the Committees of division, Commanders, in fact men are overcome by
the women in the cadres of commanders and added. The protagonists of the attacks on bases of the
repressive State are women.
The state, the forces of repression are particularly fierce against women also using the weapon of
the rapes. At the same time the nature of class and sexual oppression of women is of long duration.
But just for this the protracted people's war attracts and helps participation of a lot of oppressed
women, and this makes very effectively the People's War a war of mass.
This makes of this war an international phenomenon of women's liberation struggle and revolution
in the revolution, for fight on two fronts, of class struggle and gender struggle, necessary for the
female masses to assert their way and bring a general vision, transformer of the revolutionary
As the writer says, a leading exponent of the anti-globalization movement and the women's
movement, Arundhati Roy, these female comrades come from long years of struggle of women
within the party, not only to assert their rights, but to convince the party that equality between men
and women is at the centre of an ideal of right society.
2-9 April International week in Support of People's War in India
These women come from rebellion against feudal heritage, traditions of forced marriage, abduction
of women, violence and brutal mutilation ...
They have not won all the battles, but - adds Arundhati Roy - "Which feminists have?"
The struggle of Indian women comrades is a source of inspiration and example for the women's
movement all over the world.
Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement-Italy
Other adherents in Italy
Associazione Solidarietà Proletaria, Partito dei Carc, the Partito comunista dei lavoratori di Massa,
the Coordinamento Immmigrati Toscana nord and '32' democratic magazine also joined the
They wrote:
"...The struggle of the people of India against exploitation, war, plunder of natural resources and
environmental devastation is the same struggle that the masses of our country and of the whole
world are fighting; our enemy is the same. This is why we join the week of support and will
organize an activity on April 30 in Carrara..."
2-9 April International week in Support of People's War in India
Spanish State
In Spain, the campaign has been very important and
helped improved unity between comrades from
Cantabria, Catalonia and Galicia, who created a
section of the International Committee to Support the
People's War in India for the Spanish State.
A book entitled "People's War in India" was
published with the help of a Basque publisher. It is the
first book in Spanish on the revolutionary process
currently going on in India; it aims to break the
"information encirclement" of the bourgeois press and
foster support and solidarity.
During the week, a radio program was produced;
leaflets and posters were distributed and banners were
exposed in several towns.
Other organizations such as Communist Youth of
Zamora and Communist Reconstruction joined the
Meetings will now be organized to present the book,
with the objective of having it circulated widely
throughout the Spanish State.
The Odio de Clase Collective played an important
role in circulating information. They notably wrote:
"…The week of support primarily reflects internationalism in its broad sense, i.e. solidarity of
workers wherever they are exploited and more importantly, wherever they rebel against
exploitation... Since the Indian government defines the Communist Party of India (Maoist) as the
'biggest threat' it currently faces, the people's war in India is a great hope for us, not only for
people in India but for all the peoples in the world..."
The comrades of the Communist Workers Union
(MLM) waged a broad campaign that included
numerous activities.
A leaflet addressed to all Marxist-Leninist-Maoists,
organized or not, as well as other revolutionaries, has
been circulated among the masses. It called for
supporting the people's war and the revolution in India,
as part of the world proletarian revolution.
Internationalist meetings took place simultaneously in
several cities across the country, including public
conferences with video. Those meetings were held both
in universities, workplaces and mass organizations.
After this week of activities, they plan to convene all the
comrades and revolutionaries available to form a
Support Committee.
2-9 April International week in Support of People's War in India
The Committe of Support the Revolution in India called for a wide circulation of the leaflet of
the International Committee in neighbourhoods, towns, schools, universities and factories.
It participated in the anti-imperialist study days at the University of Nanterre and a radio program.
The Committee also relayed information on actions that took place elsewhere during the week.
In Hamburg, leaflets were distributed in the
districts of Altona Barmbek and St. Pauli.
Dazibaos were posted at the university
On April 9, a rally was held at the
Sternschanze - St. Pauli metro station, with
the participation of 40 activists.
The campaign was organized by the League
Against Imperialist Aggression and was
joined by Peruvian Maoists, Colombian and
Palestinian activists and German antiimperialists,
among others.
A group of supporters of the new democratic revolution of India gathered outside the Indian
embassy in Stockholm. Slogans where shouted:
People´s victory, yes!
Operation green hunt, down!
Hundreds of leaflets where distributed and a and a comrade held a speech. Some Indians passed by
and where glad to see the activists: "Aha you are supporting us".
The staff of the embassy came out and asked questions and a couple of guys acted security sitting
angrily in a car nearby. Hopfully a new organization of support will be constituted soon.
On April 8, supporters of the Maoist
revolutionary movement in India have placed
a banner at the General Consulate of India in
Zurich, as an act of solidarity, part of the
international week of support for the people's
war in India.
2-9 April International week in Support of People's War in India
Revolutionär-Kommunistischer Jugendverband (RKJV) was part of the international campaign
in support of the people's war in India. Austria is a country, where the revolutionary movement is,
as well as the whole "left" very weak. In front of this background, the campaign was a success that
Very important was two public events which was organized in two of the biggest cities in Austria
(Vienna and Linz, a city in upper Austria with a big part of proletarian inhabitants and big steel
factories). On this events a comrade held the main speech about the history and actual developments
of the people's war in India, the Operation Green Hunt and the CPI(Maoist). After these speeches
(also published in the newspaper "Red Dawn" ) there was a short speech by a comrade from
The two events mobilized young people very well and the talks that we gave inspired them to ask
many questions. Especially the question what a single person in Austria could do to support the
people&rsquo;s war and the struggle against the Operation Green Hunt was asked very often. In the
discussions linked with that question, we was able to give answers on a proletarian internationalist
After these two public events, a successful rally in front of the Indian embassy was organized
together with the IC*RCP (Initiative for the Construction of a Revolutionary-Communist
Party) . Also on the First of May the work for support the people´s war in India did not stop.
Together with the Democratic Youth Movement in Europe (ADGH) a Declaration on the
necessity of unity among the Maoist forces in Austria was spread ...
The Classist Youth League of Messico called
to join the international week of support,
spreading information on the heroic struggle
going on in India.
Documents were made and a photo exhibition
was prepared to make known and understand
this revolution in progress.0
The Committee of Support of the People's Struggle of Panama took part in the international
week, arguing that this campaign was an expression of proletarian internationalism and a way to
improve unity of the international proletariat, the revolutionary and democratic forces and the
oppressed peoples around the world.
2-9 April International week in Support of People's War in India
In that country, the campaign has been extensive and carried
independently by different forces.
The Frente de Lucha Popular supported the campaign with
actions aimed at raising awareness about the people's war
among students in schools and universities.
The Communist Party of Ecuador-Sol Rojo made a number
of paints in support of the people's war in India; they
distributed leaflets and put up banners. They stated that the best
contribution the party can give to the comrades in India is to
reaffirm its principles and continue building the Party for the
seizure of the power, serving the world proletarian revolution.
The movement Vientos del pueblo joined the campaign by
saying the revolution in India is the most important and highest
hope for the workers and peasants of the world right now. It
represents the will of millions of workers to end the domination
of imperialist capitalism.
The Revolutionary People's Front took part in the
campaign saying that to support the revolution in India is a
duty of all revolutionaries in the world and that the most
effective form of support is to work for the revolution in their
respective country.
An initiative was held at the "Maison Norman Bethune" bookstore with the presentation of the
documentary "Blazing Trail: A Journey of the Indian Revolution," which tells the story of the
events and revolutionary developments in that country, starting from the historic rebellion of
Naxalbari in 1967 until the revival of the Maoist movement.
The film presents the story of a heroic struggle that confronts a vicious enemy that presents itself as
"the greatest democracy in the world" and the new democracy in construction.
Of extraordinary importance is the participation of Nepal in this campaign by the recently formed
"Revolutionary Intellectual-Cultural Forum, Nepal." The Forum condemned the state terror on the
oppressed masses by the reactionary government of India. It supported the people's war in India and
expressed strong solidarity with the international campaign and the committee that organized it.


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Palash Biswas
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