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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Two self-centred and ambitious idiots as anti-corruption crusaders

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From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <>
Date: Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 12:12 PM
Subject: Fw: Two self-centred and ambitious idiots as anti-corruption crusaders

Two self-centred and ambitious idiots
as anti-corruption crusaders

Whatever is going on in the name of an anti-corruption crusade is turning into a big farce. I wish it had been different. Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev were catapulted to the center-stage by the media and they will be hanged by it. They have exposed their idiocy and intellectual bankruptcy by their pronouncements and deeds. They got carried away by the media hoopla and tried to overreach, failing to recognise the limitations of their approach.

Hazare is the worst example of the two and suffers from megalomania of some kind. He really thinks he is on the way to doing a 'Gandhi'. The idiot has an absolute view of everything under the sun. His views seem to be based on sundry media opinions and advice of the hangers-on around him, the likes of Mallika Sarabhai and Agnivesh and numerous others who do not have the capacity to develop a constituency of their own. Yet, they aspire to be in the national limelight and would not mind using the shoulders of this idiot to nurture their personal agendas.

Ramdev believes his money and the TV channel (Aastha) will help him generate a mass movement, and make him a 'Rashtrabhakt Mahatma.' Never before in the history of India has an anti-corruption movement used paid publicity of this kind. It is all so ridiculous, mindless, and self-defeating. He suffers from an acute and a brazen and uncouth sense of self-aggrandisement. His pre-conditions, as openly declared on various TV channles, to carry on with or suspend his fast are preposterous and laughable.

He has turned an anti-corruption stir into a tamasha, in the same way he organises his mass Yoga teaching programmes that are primarily used by him to demonstrate and impress people with his Hath Yoga prowess than to impart serious training into yogic practices. Look at the way he harps on old ideas and slogans like 'abolish high denomination currency notes.'

The fool does not understand that Rs.500 or Rs.1000 notes are no more high value currency in these times and that black money is no more 'cash money' and 'tax evasion money.' Black money is the 'kickback money' that hides in real estate, big business establishments, other movable and immovable properties, and in countless bank accounts in tax havens spread across the globe. It will take a 100 years to bring the 'chors' to book, even if a thousand 'honest lokpals' went after them. He also has some friends and devotees who are into real estate and the film business and he should talk to them to get a clear insight into the process, instead of talking to the Income Tax officers sent to him as emissaries by the Prime Minister.

Only Arvind Kejariwal seems to possess a modicum of intelligence and a sane mind. He too has a serious problem like an extremely limited vision that suits his litigious brain and attitude, a common malady among most of our social activists who are inspired by their western counterparts. He has great faith in an SMS revolution and 'mediabaazi' that again suits armchair revolutionaries. He thinks he is doing all right and has found his life's mission and has proved his point. This is the typical mind set of a lazy bureaucrat, which he was, who can only envision a revolution that happens through the courts of law, without dirtying one's hands.

The Bhushans are opportunists and can be as corrupt, conceited, and scheming Supreme Court lawyers as Ram Jethmalani or Kapil Sibal or Harish Salve. They are also seeking their place in the limelight, and would hate to be rendered irrelevant in Delhi's political and judicial circles. They have done this all their lives, trying to stay relevant and enjoy a sense of power without any commitment or responsibility. They are not concerned citizens of this country, neither are they concerned about the country or its people. They are very much a part of the bastardized and corrupt elite and establishment.

And the SMS revolutionaries who have been frenetically sending all kinds of SMSs are only helping the financial cause of the telecom companies. Who knows, the marketing guys in these companies could be behind this chimera of an anti-corruption cell phone stir. The IPL is over and the TV companies are also looking for some major TRP-boosting event and will use the two conceited idiots to the hilt to create their idiot box revolution one more time. Let Ramdeo get the crowds, we will have our cameras and commentators ready. If Ramdev is smart, he will sell the media rights of his Delhi Ramleela Ground event for a hefty price.

Let us assume for a while that these guys in spite of their idiocy have honest intentions and are fighting a genuine war against corruption. If they are, there is one glaring miscalculation in their strategy. They are working with short-term agendas and trying to achieve minor objectives by employing their ultimate weapon, the people's power. They suffer from a lack of political, social, economic, and cultural vision, and a long-term plan. Their media-created and fuelled mass movement is as fake as it can be. Thankfully, the real masses have beome wisened. They don't give credence to such tomfoolery any more after 1977 (Janata Party), and 1989 (V.P. Singh) betrayals, and thus are less prone to be disappointed.

It is a mediocre and superficial personality-driven war that will have no real impact, and can be easily manipulated by the wily establishment. Look at the way Hazare speaks, like a trained parrot. His wisdom is borrowed and pilfered from various sources. In fact, he really tried to upstage Ramdev after having been provided an anti-coruption platform by the Yoga Guru. Ramdev is rightly pissed off by him. The other day he said that the 'Prime Minister was honest but his remote control was not letting him do anything.' He was repeating what he had heard in the media.

He will have no explanation if one asked what made him draw this conclusion and how can the Prime Minsiter be honest when massive scams have been happening right under his nose. The fact is that the saga of large scale scams and scandals began since his induction into the Congress party, from the times of Narsimha Rao government, in which he was the Finance Minister.

However, Hazare won't get into such uncomfortable and serious debates and discourses. He does not have the intellectual capacity to do that. Another example. He called Narendra Modi an epitome of honesty during his Delhi fast because everybody, including the media, was saying so. Next day he calls Gujarat the most corrupt state, borrowing his newfound wisdom from Mallika Sarabhai and Agnivesh. He has no mind of his own. Ralegan Siddhi is as much an example of his social activism as of his stupidity and intellectual deficiency. He has a sepoy's mind. When large crowds surround him, he gets delusional and starts believing him to be a general, without really developing the abilities needed to be one.

In this whole process, if any entity that will have the last laugh, it will be the corrupt Congress establishment led by the two major fountains of corruption and confirmed stooges of the western powers, Sonia and Manmohan. In fact, they may even agree to include all the provisions of the Jan Lokpal Bill (JLB)in the final draft of the proposed government legislation, knowing it well that it means nothing.

New laws and and a new constitutional body is not going to change the way our country is governed. Let me remind those who have read the draft of JLB, it already provides safe leeway to the PM and the Chief Justice of India (CJI). It also has ample provisions to discredit the institution of the Lokpal itself by entangling it into complex legal battles. It is as juvenile a piece of legislation as any that are promulgated by various governments these days and interpreted mindlessly by our judges who bring their own personal prejudices and biases and the media hoopla into play in every judgment delivered.

I am sure the Congress ministers are resisting it for strategic reasons, probably not to allow Hazare or Ramdev to take the full credit. They would like to use it to whitewash their own image and that of their supreme leader Sonia Maino.

As I averred earlier, it may take a thousand Lokpals and more than a hundred years to clean the rot in our polity, a result of the way the Congress has ruled this country. Where will you find those Lokpals? It will be difficult to find even one qualified Lokpal in the present scenario.

Honestly speaking, if there is anyone who truly deserves to be the Lokpal of this country, it is the writer of this article. But he will demand a stronger law to deal with the corruption menace, a law that permits public execution by a firing squad after a summary trial of corrupt at the nearest available village and town square of the country. Similar punishment will be meted out to the senior solicitors who are known to abuse their skills, and seniority to browbeat judges into passing favorable orders for their illustrious clientele of criminals and cheats.

And one can be certain, excepting a handful, none who are at the helm will escape the terrible fate.

However, even this process will need time, at least 5-10 years, to complete. The impatient anti-corruption crusaders should take stock of these minor details and ground realities and cut down on their idiotic shenanigans and get down to doing some serious hard work and prepare themselves as well as the people for an arduous, perilous, and long drawn war against a corrupt and self-serving establishment.


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