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Friday, June 17, 2011

Fwd: David Jeffrey Spetch AoM Scenario Designers should be persecuted = fact!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SpetchJeffreyDavid Spetch <>
Date: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:15 PM
Subject: David Jeffrey Spetch AoM Scenario Designers should be persecuted = fact!
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

How one parody/satire text/article can gang up on an extremist, hate
preaching deluded weedhead and easily win!


AoM Scenario Designers should be persecuted = fact!

Check also:


Fundamental claims backed by non contestable fact proving the concept
of AoM maps is based upon lies: Fact is that energy exist, matter
exists and time exists and to the fact that it takes energy matter and
time to re create energy and matter for anything to first come into
existence let alone have any intelligence or be able to have the
energy to process a thought or put a plan into action proves that even
if there is some scum bag filthy piece of crap in space claiming to be
a scenario designer, this is non contestable factual evidence proving
that there is no such thing as a map designer thus in short proving
any entity a liar and yet think energy is factually proven to exist,
matter is factually proven to exist, and time is factually proven to
exist and for me you or anything having come to be is factually thanks
to these three things that work together which always were and always
will be energy matter and time.


I hope the U.S. smartens up and gets rid of scenario design before
such lowly filth (designers) gets rid of them and that's only because
I love and care about the well being of the future of the life on the


Bad enough such disgusting filth as map designing has been leading the
globe to thousands of years of war and divide over lies (yeah factual
evidence already proves non contest-ably that every map is based upon
lies and from there the designer steal from society things to attempt
to attribute to their manifestation of lies to aid them in continuing
to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and
control over the many) but that it still goes on makes us humans look
like a bunch of inconsiderate ignorant idiots and that is me being

Continued ...


Proof that energy matter and time always was is and always will be is
that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.
That is right because again not anything goes poof into existence out
of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into
nothingness. The only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs
because energy matter and time are always present!

Energy is the exertion of force. matter makes up mass. whether you try
and lump them together or not the fact remains they still factually
exist. There is forms of energy within matter and over time it takes
this energy and matter to re create energy and matter into different
forms of energy and matter. Like mixing things in a chemistry lab.


emc2 garbage. It is proclaimed to be theory and theory is not fact
remember. Until it can be verified through science as fact it or false
it remains theory and yet either way of that outcome it doesn't
disprove that time exist which renders the whole thing irrelevant
towards the very fundamentals of this issue which is to the fact that
it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Yeah i
heard all of the crap and the speed of light according to that mere
theory stops time. well if that were really the case light wouldn't
find the time to travel. did it ever occur to you that g forces may
have an impact on human made gadgets where time is not even a factor
beyond the time these g forces had to inflict the man made objects.


for any bang to first occur no matter how big or small it first takes
energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and to disprove
this non contestable fact just share one factual example of a bang
happening without there first be the time it takes for it to happen,
the energy it takes for the explosion or the matter it takes for the
force exertion to occur? Just one. You can't because what I am sharing
with you is a non contestable solid fact.


i seek it kept being said (if it were possible) and using such
delusions as being said if it were possible it is proof in any way
shape or form that I am in any way shape or form sharing is dis
proven. In short you are using delusion to attempt to contest fact and
seem to be fooling yourself to think you are. I'm here for you, for
your understanding ... for the worlds understanding and right now at
this very second you are helping me understand what perhaps many
people miss understand so I can share with you the information you
need to move on. I think in that regard some of you do rather well

I have indeed proven non contestable fact proving there is no such
thing as a god and you have failed to contest that but I don't know if
it makes you feel any better, no one else can either.


You want to disprove what I share as fact well this is what you do.
Share with me one factual example of anything being able to go poof
into existence without there first be energy matter and time to re
create energy and matter as well share with me one factual example of
anything being able to process a thought let along put a thought into
a plan or a plant into motion without there first be energy matter and
time to re create energy and matter. That is the bottom line.

Don't feel bad, lol I have already been through thousands of people on
this subject over the course of the last ten years and I find this
rather easy now days.

Because AoM Scenario Designers should be persecuted = fact!

Something tells me that if stopping bears from excreting in the woods
suited your bias retarded gay map agenda, that the AoM map makers
would have already cauterized ever poor bears ass on the planet by now
because you guys in your actions upon this globe have revealed you to
be mentally demented as well. Lets take a look at RTS along with non
contestable fact for example.


for hundreds of years since RTS was created until the recent past when
the gay map makers have attempted to degrade / destroy RTS did a true
supremacy player ever make a scenario? No. Did an 1800+ expert ever
play a scenario? No. Did a noob ever play supremacy? No. Did a map
designer ever evolved from a noob? No!That is the very non contestable
factual evidence proving that scenario design was never merely just
about a hobby for those who love or care about RTS.

Yet the very premise that the gay maps used to begin this recent
assault /insult upon RTS is that you claimed that RTS is merely for
one who love or care about games which is quite obviously a lie for it
ignores the very non contestable facts which proves that uit is
exclusively between honoring heterosexual relationships. Then you gay
designers have the nerve to try and twist it into discrimination when
quite obviously gay map design will never equal heterosexuality
because again if it were up to map design to sustain the population we
would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of
sexually defective!

That is right, since RTS was created only heterosexual unions were
honored with RTS because RTS is factually proven to be based upon and
in honor of the one gaming orientation to which we all owe our very
existence. You fools have been pulling the wool over the worlds eyes
with such rubbish that it brings me great pleasure to sit back as I
watch the lot of you see your own bias garbage gay map agenda crumble
as the world opens it's eyes to non contestable fact. To cleanse the
world of such garbage is one less thing on my plate.

Now I could go on flipping your cheap bias pathetic gay scenario
mentalities around like a rag doll and go on and on to with every
issue you bias idiots push upon society but you can all simply find
that information by typing "David Jeffrey Spetch" in an internet
search engine or you can also find some of my videos on you tube to
find much of that info.


Funny, I could have swore a brainless selfish greedy little tart
called DavidJSpetch
posted a response to this ...


David jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be bad, be weak!

Check also:

On Jun 15, 6:24 pm, David Jeffrey Spetch <>
> *Attention Kenilworth Library as well all Feds and Provincials of Canada
> etc.
> *
> My name is David Jeffrey Spetch, I am an activist / teacher / consultant /
> artist / very deep thinker / pioneer among many other things.
> As an activist over the years I have taken on several groups from all over
> the globe and have proven them beyond shadow of doubt the liars that they
> are. I do this because they are victimizing the globe with lies to push
> their selfish agenda's and even for thousands of years such selfishness and
> greed that i fight has lead to war and divide which is why it is of the up
> most importance to put and end to this selfish nonsense for the well being
> of the future of the life on this planet / our future generations /
> bloodlines.
> Over the years I have found that upon proving people liars, it really can
> bring out the ugly in people because they seem to lose their minds as they
> make up any lie they can think of in attempt to detract from the issue and
> even use such lies with me as their target again to attempt to detract from
> the issues which is why i am bringing this to your attention.
> I have accumulated stalkers over the years who use different variations of
> my name on different sites such as You Tube / Google and many others.
> I have had groups of them stalk me on to many sites just so they can gang up
> on management to make me out to be a hater so I get kicked off the site
> before i even get any say and likely all because the management is just sick
> of these people harassing them. They also attempt to reduce the great work i
> do by differing to it as spam to get me kicked off a site. They do this
> because they do not want the world to get the very facts which has already
> so easily revealed them for the liars they prove to be. They want to keep
> the world blinded with their lies only to suit their own selfish means hence
> so that they can keep doing it. I have been dealing with this for years and
> still it is my pleasure,
> These stalkers have already made up many lies about me over the years and
> yet not one of them has shared any confirmation towards even a shred of
> validity to backing any of their lies in the form of vacant un backed
> claims. this is because again quite simply they have been proven liars and
> they don't like it because it threatens them being revealed as the liars
> they are before the public and in the public becoming aware they will no
> longer be able to use such lies to dupe the public any longer so here they
> are trying to slow me down with their rhetoric.
> I have suspicions that there are people living within the building upon
> which I reside who are either stalkers or being paid by stalkers in attempt
> to befriend me so that they can turn around and try to lop my head off.
> There are certain indications which lead me to believe this and i suppose it
> is only a matter of time before this is confirmed.
> Also in having revealed my address over the net in previous articles and
> shared that I use Library public computers, I also suspect that they may
> even be frequenting the Kenilworth Library. I ask all of the staff at the
> Kenilworth Library, as well All Federals / Provincials etc. that if anyone
> approaches you with some story about me / some outrageous lie / something
> that sounds degrading / I would sincerely appreciate you letting me know so
> that we can clear up any misunderstanding immediately. Even more so because
> I would love to know who is doing it so I can further proceed upon putting
> an end to such nonsense and use them as an example as a member of the
> defective selfish / greedy group that they represent. (As of late my
> intuition tells me that there is something / has been something going on
> behind my back and people are looking at me like i am suppose to know
> something about it) ... Anyways ...
> I'd also like to say hello to all of the celebrates who stopped by for a
> peek over the years. (I generally know who when and where, I just am not one
> to make a big stink about it)
> Thank you very much for your time and understanding.
> Sincerely,
> David Jeffrey Spetch
> Ps. Be good, be strong!
> Also if you are an Age Of Mythology (with or without the Titans Expansion)
> Fan or an Age of Wonders Shadow Magic Fan I am the very best on the globe at
> creating scenarios at both genres. 2010 I decided to figure out how to make
> things work in these games with the intent to create the very best any one
> has ever played for both genres and from there I succeeded with ease. You
> can find the links to download and play the games for free (As long as you
> have Age of Mythology with or without the Titans expansion / also if you
> have Age of Wonders Shadow Magic) you do not have to sign up for anything /
> no strings, just click on the link, download and then follow the read me
> instructions. You will find 2 Titans expansion 3 vs 3 multi player scenarios
> (one was also adapted to a one player scenario) you will find one 3 vs 3
> regular Age of Mythology Multi player scenario with a one player adaptation
> as well several Age of Mythology 1 player scenarios. You will also find The
> 1 player Age of Wonders Shadow Magic scenarios. Again I make the very best
> on the globe ever created and they will surpass your expectations of these
> games and I guarantee it. It's my freebie to you all, but just know as you
> will find out that I do it all in support for the well being of the future
> of the life on this palnet.
> -
> You may find these links on my You Tube Channel which you may find here.
> (Look on the lower left hand side of my channel page)

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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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