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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Role of Progressive Nationalist in Current Circumstances

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From: Shakil Wahidullah Khan <>
Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:59 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Role of Progressive Nationalist in Current Circumstances


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Dialogue on Role of Progressive Nationalist Political Parties & Individuals Regarding Peace Building

Preston E James quoted in his book named "Latin America" 1956

That "democratic ideas as we know them are not really teachable unless and until individual desires to be treated equally before the law, and assume responsibility for political designs"

Terrorism a term refers to a person or persons that cause terror. But in broader sense if we look at the situation in Pakistan terrorism has very worse meaning and a very much worse implementation. It has very strong and irritating effects on social structure of this country as far as we know.

Exactly one can easily say that from where it begins in this region of third world countries. But how to counter is really a difficult situation to be solved. Terrorism is major conflict of this society that needs to be solved on permanent basis.

As law and forces agencies are trying their best to counter terrorism through forces. But as said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

Terrorism in Pakistan is not that simple as this term meant to be here it is an armed struggle for implementation of specific ideology. Fundamentalism, religious extremism, barbarism all the terms suits it.

As it said that killing a criminal creates worse crime. Those which are now terrorist were once a peaceful citizens.


Issue in Pakistan:

Looking at all scenario Pakistan is passing through challenging times. Terrorism has caused a very big trouble and total chaos in this region especially in Pakistan. It has very worse effects on ordinary citizen of Pakistan. But unfortunately political parties in Pakistan on the name of consciences are making the situation more troubled. The reason behind it is that political parities have no clear policy about how to counter terrorism in this region. Government has to take it seriously and to formulate a policy against terrorism. 

On the other hand "political religious parties" consider USA to be root of evil. According to them terrorism is because of USA false and fail policies and anti Islamism of WEST. But the presence of Osama bin laden in Pakistan territory make the situation worse for every Pakistani citizen and have strongly damaged the image of Pakistan in international community. Punjabi Taliban is a term know to every one but unfortunately Punjab government is denying the fact with its strong arguments that there not such thing in Punjab its just rumors and they called it that it's a struggle to destabilize Punjab government. They are politicizing the issue knowing that it's not a political issue which is directly affecting every citizen of Punjab.  This non serious approaches and behavior of government officials is alarming situation that indicate a very major threat to Pakistan.

Khyber pukhtoon khwa is most effected province of Pakistan by this curse of terrorism And becoming more worse day by day. Here is the question that would law and force agencies are able to counter terrorism through armed struggle. It can kill a terrorist but can it kill the terrorism because it is not a person here it is an ideology, which can not be suppressed by force only.  It requires a deeper observation and analysis of current situation. A proper work plan is needed to counter terrorism and its ideology.
For this above all we need social, religious, and political progressive forces. Ideas become extreme if not treated potentially progressive, here in Pakistan the situation is far worse many ideas are emerging and been bended towards fundamentalism due to lower approaches of progressive forces. It's the time to unite all the progressive forces in every field of life and by combining all these forces a major ideological stream can be produced, which will not kill the terrorist but terrorism.

Progressive force must unite with all political and religious parties. And put their suggestions in front for discussion and open debate so that   they may be able to formulate a joint policy to counter this worse situation in Pakistan and in this region. Progressive forces can make their way easily to every crack in social structure. It can produce harmony among community and can unite them. Progressive force is an ideology that has dynamic and flexible structure. Progressive and liberal approaches are the only weapon a society can have against static, rigid and fundamentalist ideologies.

There is a need of dialogue/discussion in Peshawar to discuss the role of progressive and nationalist political parties, individuals, regarding peace building.



Shakeel Wahidullah Khan, 


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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