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Friday, June 17, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Thursday, 16 June 2011

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Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 9:32 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Thursday, 16 June 2011


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Rebel Newsflash (by )

Ready or not here it is (by Dick Eastman)

We conspiracy cognoscenti are kept in cyber pigpen by a computer system bigger and faster than the internet -- the only outsiders we speak to are Jewish monitors

Have you ever had a convert who was not already a participant in the involuted conspiracy theotrix? Some of our monitors pretend to be semi-interested or sympathetic -- but they are only foils to keep you convinced -- to keep you...


US defends war strategy in Afghanistan (by PressTV)

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has once again defended the US-led military presence in Afghanistan amid mounting pressure on Washington to withdraw troops from the war-weary country.

Gates admitted Wednesday that war fatigue is prevalent in the United States as the Afghan conflict nears its ten-year mark, the Associated Press reported.

"I know people are frustrated. The country has...


'[P]GCC serving West's interests' (by PressTV)

The recent move by the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC) to accuse Iran of meddling in the internal affairs of the Arab states serves the West's interests, says an Iranian lawmaker.

"The repeated claims by a number of tiny Persian Gulf littoral states are aimed at currying favor with their Western masters," IRNA quoted Mehdi Mehdizadeh, a member of National Security and...


'Islamic awakening will end arrogance' (by PressTV)

Iranian First Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi has warned of plots hatched against Muslim nations, saying the Islamic awakening will end the hegemony of arrogant powers.

"Inspired by ideals of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Khomeini, Muslim nations are awakened and will end the dominance of big and hegemonic powers," IRNA quoted Rahimi as speaking...


Iran, India to up regional cooperation (by PressTV)

A senior Iranian official says the Islamic Republic of Iran and India are to increase their cooperation on fighting naval terrorism and drug trafficking.

"Iran-India cooperation on regional issues, including fighting naval terrorism and drugs will increase," Deputy Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Baqeri told IRNA on Wednesday after the third meeting of...


Iran ready to continue nuclear talks: FM (by PressTV)

Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi says President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has once again expressed readiness for talks over Tehran's nuclear energy program.

"The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran has once again announced Iran's readiness to [resolve] our country's nuclear issue through negotiations with the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus...


'Bahrain releases three female activists' (by PressTV)

Three female Bahraini activists have been released a day after security forces arrested them for participating in a sit-in protest at the United Nations office in the capital Manama.

Maryam al-Khawaja of Bahrain Center for Human Rights told Press TV on Thursday that her sister Zainab al-Khawaja, daughter of renowned Bahraini activist Abdul-Hadi al-Khawaja, Asma Darwish and Sawsan Jawad...


U.S. Invasion of Libya Set for October (by Aaron Dykes)

U.S. Invasion of Libya Set for October has received alarming reports from within the ranks of military stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas confirming plans to initiate a full-scale U.S.-led ground invasion in Libya and deploy troops by October.

The source stated that additional Special Forces are headed to Libya in July, with a Calvary Division (heavy armor) and three corps deploying in late October and early November....


'US chipping away at citizens' rights' (by PressTV)

The Supreme Court in the US state of Wisconsin has upheld an anti-workers law passed by state Republicans back in March, overturning a lower court ruling that voided the controversial legislation.

The measure, which sparked massive public...


2 NATO tankers torched in SW Pakistan (by PressTV)

Unidentified gunmen in Pakistan's southwestern province of Balochistan have torched two NATO tankers carrying fuel for US-led foreign troops in Afghanistan.

The assailants opened fire at two NATO oil tankers and set them on fire on Wednesday as the vehicles were passing in a high way, a Press TV correspondent reported.

The attackers managed to flee from the scene. No person or group has...


Pakistan detains CIA spies over Osama (by PressTV)

Pakistan's intelligence agency, ISI, has detained at least five CIA informants who helped the United States in the raid that led to the alleged killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

In a report published on Wednesday, The New York Times quoted informed sources, as saying that the fate of the CIA informants arrested in Pakistan was unclear.

A senior Pakistani army major is said to be...


6.6-magnitude quake hits PNG (by PressTV)

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake has hit off the coast of Papua New Guinea's New Britain Island.

While the US Geological Survey said the depth of the quake, which occurred early on Thursday morning local time, was 21 kilometers, Geoscience Australia put it at 37 kilometers, AFP reported.

"It was pretty benign," said an official at Geoscience Australia.

"It is not likely to have caused any...


UN confab on human rights opens in Chile (by PressTV)

Human rights experts from countries across the Latin America/Caribbean region have gathered in Chile for a three-day UN-sponsored meeting to talk about ways to eradicate torture and ill-treatment in Latin America.

Forty experts are attending the conference, which opened on June 15 in the Chilean capital Santiago, the UN News Center reported on Wednesday.

The participants will discuss a...


White House says Libya war is legal (by PressTV)

US President Barack Obama's administration has defended the military operation in Libya, saying it does not need any authorization from Congress.

The administration plans to send a 30-page report to Congress that is meant to explain how the US only has a limited role in the NATO-led military campaign and that thus Obama is acting within his constitutional right to direct the mission on his...


2 Iraqis killed in US helicopter attack (by PressTV)

The US military has killed at least two Iraqi civilians and injured a number of others in a helicopter attack near the southern city of Basra.

On Wednesday, a woman and her son were killed in an attack by an Apache helicopter of the US military, and several others were also seriously injured, witnesses told a Press TV correspondent.

"Those people were farmers. They came early this...


Yemenis press call for interim council (by PressTV)

People across Yemen have held demonstrations demanding the formation of a transitional council to rule the country as Ali Abdullah Saleh remains hospitalized in Saudi Arabia.

Tens of thousands of people hit the streets of the Yemeni capital Sana'a once again on Wednesday, the Associated Press reported.

The protesters called on acting president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi to immediately...


More clashes in Abyei region of Sudan (by PressTV)

More clashes between the armies of North and South Sudan have broken out in the disputed region of Abyei, according to the spokesman for the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) of South Sudan.

"There was a clash today at the Kiir (Bahr al-Arab) river, near the bridge, between the SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces -- northern army) and the SPLA," AFP quoted Philip Aguer, the spokesman for the...


Judea declares war on Scottish whisky (by Rehmats World)

According to Israel daily, Ha'aretz (June 12, 2011) – the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs (FJMC) – a partnership of 250 Jewish men's clubs with more than 25,000 members in the US and Canada – has joined with many Synagogues in Israel, US and Canada to boycott Kiddush-favorite whisky brewed in West Dunbartonshire Council in Scotland.

The boycott is Zionists' Talmudic vengeance...


Red Moon Rising: Rare lunar eclipse seen around the world (by Russia Today)

On June 15, the full moon will turn a deep red for most of the planet - when the longest lunar eclipse in a decade will take place.

Source: Russia Today

Nigel Farage: Bankers+politicians = 'unholy alliance' vs people (by Russia Today)

Renowned Eurosceptic and British Euro MP Nigel Farage says saving the banks is why politicians are so determined to bail out Greece and keep it in the Eurozone.

Source: Russia Today

'Iran has nothing to prove' (by Russia Today)

Iran is promising transparency and constructive interaction with the UN's nuclear watchdog. A few days ago, the EU's foreign policy chief, Baroness Ashton, called on Tehran to give evidence of its peaceful atomic intentions. In an exclusive interview for RT, Iran's envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency insisted that Tehran has...


'NATO sliding into ground war in Libya' (by PressTV)

A Russian official has said that NATO military operations in Libya are heading down the slippery slope toward a ground war in the North African country.

"It is our observation that NATO is sliding down and being dragged more and more into the eventuality of a land-based operation in Libya," Reuters quoted Russia's ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, as saying at a press conference in...


3 female activists arrested in Bahrain (by PressTV)

Bahraini security forces have arrested three female activists after they took part in a sit-in protest at the United Nations office in Manama.

The women were holding a sit-in on Wednesday inside the UN building and were then taken to the Hura police station in the capital, AFP quoted human rights activist Nabil Rajab as saying.

Zainab al-Khawaja, daughter of renowned Bahraini activist...


Bahrainis mark four months of protests (by PressTV)

Bahraini protesters have taken to the streets of the Persian Gulf kingdom to mark the completion of four months of the popular revolution against the Al Khalifa regime.

On Wednesday, the demonstrators repeated their calls for the abolition of the absolute monarchy system that has ruled the country for over 40 years.

Last March, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates deployed police and...


NATO at risk as veterans age out: Gates (by PressTV)

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the fate of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is at risk with the "aging out" of devoted servicemen.

"People like me who have an emotional stake in Europe and NATO are aging out," he said in an interview with the Associated Press on Wednesday.

"For a lot of these younger people…they don't have these kinds of attachments," the US...


'Iran will not decrease oil production' (by PressTV)

Iranian caretaker Oil Minister Mohammad Aliabadi says that Iran's oil production will not be reduced due to the discovery of vast new crude reserves.

"We try to maintain the current oil reserves and use new resources to not decrease the country's output," IRNA quoted Aliabadi as saying on Wednesday.

"Given the investment (in the oil industry) and the discovery of new oil reserves,...


3,000 Spaniards hold demo in Barcelona (by PressTV)

About 3,000 Spaniards have held a demonstration against the government's budget cuts at the Catalan parliament in Barcelona, blocking the entrance of lawmakers.

Angry protesters, who were trying to prevent lawmakers of the autonomous community of Catalonia from voting on new austerity cuts, were met with a strong police cordon, the Press TV correspondent in Barcelona reported.

"What we...


Obama criticized over Libya invasion (by PressTV)

US President Barack Obama has been criticized for Washington's intervention in the military occupation of Libya and the resulting loss of civilian lives.

The following is a Press TV interview with Ian Williams, with the Foreign Policy in Focus,...


Comment on "Is the Madoff Scandal Paradigmatic?" by John Graham and Kevin MacDonald (by Peter Jansen)

The article " Is the Madoff Scandal Pardigmatic? " by John Graham and Kevin MacDonald has the following conclusions:

  • Through his pyramid scheme, Madoff transferred assets from non-Jews to Jews and from poor Jews to rich Jews. This transfer is in line with theories of Jewish social hierarchies being structured in such a way that the Jewish elite gains at the expense of ordinary Jews
  • Jewish...


Reply to Jansen's comment on "Is the Madoff Scandal Paradigmatic?" (by John Graham)

In asking Is the Madoff Scandal Paradigmatic? Kevin MacDonald and I put forward reasons for thinking so:

  • Ample evidence pointing to the Madoff operation being fraudulent was brought to the attention of the SEC: the failure of that entity to take effective action can most plausibly be explained by fear of the lethal rage the Jewish Establishment was likely to show if an important member was...


Rapture Rick Perry of Texas: Israel's Stealth GOP Presidential Candidate? (by Mark Dankof)

Mark Dankof: Perry's Financed Junket to Israel: Financed by the Doheny Global Group and Irwin Katsof's Global Capital Associates. What are the Real Implications?

"Wow!  Not even a whiff of a notion of the Presidency, and his lips are already lotioned to kiss ass."

—Iranian-American Facebook blogger on Governor Rick Perry's Zionist-inspired impending Presidential run

     P. T....


Iran launches first Digital Library (by PressTV)

Iran's Center for Media Studies affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has launched its first digital library during a ceremony at the center.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini and other officials on Tuesday, Mehr News Agency reported.

"The establishment of the library is an honorable movement...


Bahrain braces for Friday protest (by PressTV)

Bahrain's largest opposition group has called for a mass anti-regime protest rally on Friday despite heavy government crackdown on protests.

Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society says it is set to hold a peaceful demonstration in Sitra to demand political reforms and to protest against the government's brutal crackdown on anti-regime protesters.

The Friday march would be the second...


'Top Obama donors net key US posts' (by PressTV)

According to a recent investigation, nearly 80 percent of the top donors in Barack Obama's 2008 presidential election campaign now enjoy high-ranking White House jobs.

The investigation, which was carried out by iWatch News , revealed that roughly 80 percent of those who gathered more than USD 500,000 for Obama during his presidential campaign have obtained jobs classified by the White...


The Cloud: Trojan Horse For Internet Takeover (by Paul Joseph Watson)

Welcome to a corporate, cable TV-style world wide web

The Cloud: Trojan Horse For Internet Takeover 150611top2
Image: Wikipedia Commons

Despite the corporate-driven hubbub surrounding the inevitability of "the cloud" replacing personal hard drives as the pre-eminent storage center for all web content, this system represents another dangerous trojan horse for the establishment to complete their agenda to regulate and shut down the free...

Syrians rally in support of president (by PressTV)

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have poured into the streets in the capital, Damascus, to express support for President Bashar Assad.

Unfurling a 2.4 km-long Syrian flag, the demonstrators condemned foreign meddling in their country's internal affairs and called for unity under President Assad's leadership.

"The people want Bashar Assad," the demonstrators chanted.

The demonstrators...


US approves new police brutality payout (by PressTV)

US state of Colorado's Denver City Council has approved two more excessive force settlements, increasing this year's total payout for police brutality to more than one million dollars.

One of the approved settlements, involves two Denver officers...


'Theft, US military spending tradition' (by PressTV)

The US military's failure to keep proper bookkeeping records has created a "tradition of theft" in the country's military spending, an anti-war activist says.

"The bookkeeping for all the expenditure that are outside strict military budget in...


Iran, Russia to strengthen ties (by PressTV)

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev have stressed the importance of strengthening bilateral cooperation.

The Iranian and Russian presidents held talks on the sidelines of the 10th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in the Kazakh capital of Astana on Wednesday.

Ahmadinejad pointed to the importance of Iran and Russia's roles in...


Iran puts second satellite into orbit (by PressTV)

The Islamic Republic of Iran successfully launches its second satellite christened Rassad (Observation) into the earth's orbit.

The satellite, which is the country's first such imaging device, was launched by the Safir-e-Rassad satellite carrier on...


Iran launches first imaging satellite (by PressTV)

The Islamic Republic of Iran has successfully launched its first imaging satellite christened Rasad (observation) into the earth's orbit.

Iranian aerospace scientists and experts launched the satellite on Wednesday, IRNA reported.

The satellite has undergone all the stages required for its designing, manufacturing, assembly, test and preparation for launch inside the country.


'US will stab Al Khalifa in the back' (by PressTV)

Bahrain has begun military trials for 22 more people over their role in anti-regime protests that have gripped the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom since February.

Opposition groups, however, say hundreds of people are on trial in the country.


Stephen Baldwin May "Go Head to Head with Big Brother" Alec in NYC Mayor Race (by Kurt Nimmo)

During the Talker New Media Conference in New York City, Alex Jones asked the younger brother of actor Alec Baldwin, Stephen, if me might entertain running against his brother for mayor of the Big Apple.

Alex was the keynote speaker at this year's event.

Last week the older Baldwin, who currently stars in the NBC sitcom 30 Rock, said...


Stephen Jay Gould: Next to Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius in the Devil's Mouth at the Center of Hell (by Kevin MacDonald)

In a second edition of The Mismeasure of Man Stephen Jay Gould stated, "May I end up next to Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius in the devil's mouth at the center of hell if I ever fail to present my most honest assessment and best judgment of the evidence for empirical truth" (p. 39). So we definitely know where to find him.

We have known this for some time, but a recent study nicely...


'Turkey vote result shows change in ME' (by PressTV)

The head of Iran's Supreme Council for Human Rights says the recent electoral victory for Turkey's ruling Islamic party reflects change on the regional level.

The victory for the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) indicates the regional changes and Islamic Awakening -- which has swept many Muslim countries across the Middle East and North Africa, IRNA quoted Mohammad-Javad Larijani...


'US builds secret base in Persian Gulf' (by PressTV)

The United States is constructing a secret CIA airbase in the Persian Gulf in an attempt to expand Washington's deadly drone war in the region, a report says.

Withholding the exact location of the base at the request of US officials, Associated Press reported on Wednesday that Washington has decided to build the airbase following indications that an anti-American faction may take over...


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Palash Biswas
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