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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Muslim-Science.Com - How Can We Learn from Each Other? | Zewail Science City | Sneak Peek into Spotlight Malaysia

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Date: Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 5:28 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Muslim-Science.Com - How Can We Learn from Each Other? | Zewail Science City | Sneak Peek into Spotlight Malaysia
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Dear Colleagues and Friends:

Back with my weekly email reminder. This was published yesterday.

Islam Analysis: Share knowledge with informal networks

By: Athar Osama

Published in SciDev.Net on 16 June 2011 and Simultaneously on Muslim-Science.Com

The Islamic world needs new mechanisms that enable leaders to interact informally and share scientific knowledge, argues Athar Osama.

One of the most important factors that distinguish developed and developing countries is their ability to benefit from science and technology. And there is little doubt that science will be more important for development in the future.

Yet many members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have failed to make science the foundation of their development paradigms. But there are exceptions.

Egypt and Pakistan have made significant headway in agricultural research during their respective green revolutions in the 1960s and 1970s. Iran and Pakistan boast well-developed defence industries and nuclear research programmes. In the Gulf states, petro-dollars fund petrochemical and water research programmes.

This diversity, set within a common sociocultural background and a shared set of constraints and challenges, creates opportunities for knowledge sharing — but what Islamic countries lack is the mechanism to make this happen.

Opportunities for sharing

A new experiment being proposed in Egypt, for example, demonstrates the kind of initiative that could hold lessons for other OIC member countries.

The caretaker Egyptian government recently announced its intention to create the Zewail City of Science and Technology, named after Nobel Laureate Ahmed Zewail. The US$2 billion project is being hailed as Egypt's National Project for Scientific Renaissance. While the details are sketchy, there are plans to allow Egyptian people to contribute money towards the project — in essence, becoming its owners.

To continue reading, click here

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Also New on on Muslim-Science.Com on a similar theme:

1) Islamic Countries Need a Broader Vision for Development
2) Egypt Announces Plans for Zewail Science City

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Muslim-Science.Com also announces its Special "Spotlight Malaysia" coming up soon. Here is a sneak peek:

- Profiles in Leadership: Dr. Omar Abdur Rahman, Mahathir's Science Advisor for more than 15 years
- Innovation: Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC)'s Experiences in Developing a Venture Capital Industry
- Science Policy: The Right Model for Innovation - Royal Society's Atlas of Islamic World Science and Innovation Report on Malaysia
- Science: Malaysia's Sputnik Moment: How Real it really is?

And a lot more.

Don't miss it. Subscribe to Muslim-Science.Com's email list by registering on the Website.
Please share widely..

Best Regards,

* * * * * * *

-- Introductory email for Muslim-Science.Com --

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

Greetings! I hope this finds you in the best of health and spirits.

As some of you may know, I write Islam Analysis - the first and only regular column on Science in the Islamic World for a mainstream western science publication (SciDev.Net) and have had a blog by the name of Muslim-Science.Com for a little while now. I, and a number of colleagues have been contemplating transforming this into a regular journal a portal for Islam and Science.

We have worked very hard to bring you Muslim-Science.Com. On the website you will find a number of very interesting features:

Science, Techology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship are the engines that power today's economies and the society.

In recent times, the discourse about science and innovation in the Islamic World has hovered between absolute rejection of religion, on one hand, to blind embrace on the other. It has also been theoretical and conjectural falling short of empirical rigor that science itself demands. The mainstream (western) scientific and innovation media does not provide enough coverage to emerging trends in the Muslim World.

Muslim-Science.Com is dedicated to the revival of science and science-driven innovation and entrepreneurship in the Islamic World by creating a space for an informed, inspiring, and unbiased dialogue about Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in the Muslim Lands and by Muslims living elsewhere as well as important, but often overlooked issues of science, religion, and society in the Islamic World. is managed by an Editorial Team which lead by an Editorial Committee. A distinguished Advisory Board of science and innovation leaders from across the Islamic World and elsewhere provides guidance and advice.

Please take the time to visit Muslim-Science.Com often, share with colleagues and friends from across the Islamic World and elsewhere, "Like", Tell us what you think, Write to us (and for us) and Subscribe to the Newsletter on the Website.

Muslim-Science.Com is also looking for writers, contributors, correspondents, and champions across the Islamic World and elsewhere so if you're one of those, please drop us a line.

Best Regards,

Athar Osama, PhD
Managing Editor, Muslim-Science.Com
for the Editorial Committee


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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