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Friday, June 17, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] And now, the WEST is DEAD !!!

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From: Nemo <>
Date: 2011/6/17
Subject: [bangla-vision] And now, the WEST is DEAD !!!


The WEST is DEAD !!

Again and again we are assured about "progressive, liberal-democratic, tolerant, pluralistic, politically correct" West... In fact, they are degenerate immoral scum whose only aim in life is to consume, accumulate capitals and property, rob and exploit others... Murder for the West is the traditional means of their empty worthless existence...   
Dastard NATO is bombing the next victim under the devised pretexts, democratic Europe theatrically turned another cheek towards terrorist  USA and her back- towards Libya which gives to the obscene Europe oil and gas...
Well, we know pretty well, what Eurovandals want from Libya: Perestroika, Democracy, Liberal-Satanism, Reforms, Privatization, Free Market, financial speculations, Open/Free society, Tolerance and Political Correctness, free porno, homosexuality and narcotization, total Surrender, total Corruption and Chaos, total Betrayal, colonial dependence and Collapse...
Lo and behold, democratic puppet rebels, criminal mercenaries from the protectorate Benghazi, are already paying off to their USA masters with oil stolen from Libyan people (oi-wei, just like in democratic/occupied Russia)...

Since most Libyans did not agree to "panhuman values", Western peacemakers and democratizers started to bomb Libya under the pretext of "fighting dictatorship" (those who are not with us - are against us)...
That's the essence of robotized, dogmatic, degraded, primitive and virulent Western mind bred on supremacism, self-electedness ("we are the light to the nations"), and Mammonism (the cult of Capital)... Spoiled, failed Western species, twisted, defective, predatory Anglo-American psychology... 
Narrow-minded Europe,  Canada, Australia, Gulf vassal kingdoms, emirates and sultanates, as well as westernized Russia, are all mean ACCOMPLICES IN THE MILITARY CRIMES of NATO and the United States of Antichrist against humanity ! 

Why the pocket, lackeyish UNO issued the illegal criminal resolution against sovereign Libya ? Because the majority of the membering sheeps were afraid of arguing with the Masters of Animal Farm... Munchen-Munchen… Dollar-Dollar ueber alles... 
Who entitled some D.Medvedev to submit to the rulings of North Atlantic Terrorist Gang, UNO Insecurity Council, of World Robbers Bank, WTO ?? Was it Russian people  ?? Or the Kremlin Junta ? People of Russia are ashamed of her fiendish government, corrupt Duma and illegitimate president, while they are devoid of any rights to influence the ruling parasite immoral elite. The only way out of shame, exploitation, oppression and annihilation is public uprising against CAPITALIST TYRANTS... 
Normal decent people worldwide should be aware of their genuine ENEMIES- the governments of Fascist States of America and Canada, Wretched Britain, Stupid France and Italy, Braindead Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Lackey Qatar, vassal unscrupulous collaborators in Malta, Netherlands (Drugsland), Czechia (Schweiksland), Australia and Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey and FRG - who all deserve eye for eye, tooth for tooth, leg for leg, hand for hand, burn for burn, death for death... In the name of Justice. 
They say, the Kremlin, on NATO orders, would not object sending cheap Russian cannon fodder to Libya, as a "peacemaker contingent" (as we know, S.Ivanov did not manage yet to send Russian troops to Iraq and Afghanistan)...
Hey, what for, must we ask those Kremlin Gauleiters - to defend CIA-rebels and wahhabi fanatic mojaheddins ???...
Judging to all Medvedev's misdeeds towards Russia, it is not Colonel Qaddafi who must step down as the illegitimate statesman, but namely Mr. Medvedev who represents an abhorrent, extremist, antinational capitalist regime which turned Russia into the feudal criminal waste Zone.   
While supporting misanthropic resolutions of American and European fascists, the Kremlin shows both his full dependence on his Overlords, an absence of a distinct state policy, and his consent with the ideology of fascism, terrorism, extremism and colonialism... Thus the Kremlin, as the aggressors' accomplice, interferes into internal affairs of another country, and violates elementary democratic norms and human rights... Chutzpah knows no bounds, so it must be stopped... 
Today, in war circumstances, when the very existence of Libya as a sovereign state is at stake, it is the time to issue a true "Fatwa 1970-1973" which permits:

1) Cease of diplomatic relations with all members of anti-Libyan fascist coalition; boycott of coalition's products and commodities; embargo on deliveries thereto of oil, gas, metals, chemicals, uranium, diamonds, jewelry, engines, foodstuffs, etc; stop of tourism...

2) Elimination of dangerous WAR CRIMINALS: B.Obama, McCain, H.Clinton, some senators, D.Cameron, David Richards, the Queen, N.Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Lars and Anders Rasmussens, Stephen Harper and collaborators in Holland, Czechia, Qatar (Qardawi and emir)...

3) Preemptive missile attacks on aggressor's infrastructure in Washington, State Dept, White House, Pentagon, Congress, FRS, Wall Street, Ottawa, London (City, Parliament, Westminster), Paris, Rome, Brussels, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo... as well as on UNO offices who gives away indulgences to bandits...

That would be fully justified from all sound legislature, both religious and secular.
Subhumans destroying the most sacred- Life and basis of civilization, are cursed forever !

Today it is plain and clear: the
 WEST is a source of a deadly contagion and psychical perversions threatening the world... Our main problem is that we have to deal, argue and conflict with the corporate Euro-American Hitler and his international Gauleiters who need not discussions and negotiations but Vernichtung/elimination for the benefit of humankind...

Sane society must by all means put an end to barbarous Western atrocities ! Wait, rotten capitalist West will get what they deserve...

Hey, cunning England !! Hey, stupid France !!
You get everybody in rage and trance !

Hey, f_cken Berlusca !! Hey, empty Barak !!
You fall on big trouble, much worse than

Be you Ami or Briton, Danish, Roman or
You'll obtain your deserts and go to the wall !!!

We wish Brother Leader Qadhafi endurance and firm determination, to defend Libya from vile aggressors. We wholly sympathize him on his hard and righteous path of Truth and Justice.
We shall overcome some day, when the narrow-minded, degraded, judaized West crashes and sinks through his own grave sins... Amin.

Patria o muerte, fascistas no passaran !!!


Palash Biswas
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