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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Expert panel submits draft of Bengal land use policy!Bengal govt not to acquire land for industry: Panel


Expert panel submits draft of Bengal land use policy

Kolkata, Jun 15 (PTI) The expert panel to draft the West Bengal government''s land use policy today submitted an 11-point recommendation to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, suggesting among others that land for industry be bought directly from owners.

"The draft has recommended that land must be brought directly from the owners. An area-wise land map, identifying the land that can be used for industry, has been prepared," Debabrata Banerjee, heading the two-member panel told newsmen after submitting it to the chief minister.

According to the draft policy, share-croppers wishing to buy the land they tilled would be able to do so subject to the permission of the land owner. In case they received the owner''s permission, the government would help them obtain loans for buying the land if necessary.

Stating that a section of owners had extra land which they did not cultivate, the draft has recommended that such unutilised land be reduced while keeping the land ceiling intact.

The draft recommended on-line mutation, registration and correction of land deeds to expedite these activities.

It also suggested providing land to about 15 lakh homeless people and making bank loans available to them for construction of houses.

The formation of community management groups has been recommended to protect the rights of adivasis on forest land, Banerjee said, adding that widening of 12 lakh private ponds under NREGA has been recommended for water storage.

Banerjee said the draft policy also suggested increase of the use of organic fertilisers and a ban on genetically- modified seeds.

Bengal govt not to acquire land for industry: Panel
BS Reporter / Kolkata June 16, 2011, 0:42 IST

The two-member expert committee constituted by the West Bengal government to draft a new land policy in the state, has recommended direct purchase of land by industrialists from farmers.

"We have asked the state government not to acquire land for setting up industry," said Debabrata Bandopadhaya, a member of the expert committee, after giving the report to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

The committee has also made several recommendations to protect the interests of small and marginal farmers. According to reports, the panel has provided guidelines to the state government to create a land map.

If the government accepts the recommendations, it may hinder several projects in the pipeline, including the Rs 9,600-crore NTPC project for a 1,600-Mw unit in Katwa. The public sector undertaking needs 1,035 acres but the government had made it clear that it would not acquire land for the project. Last year, the company had acquired 387 acres.

The recommendations have come a day after passage of the 'Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill' to revoke the lease agreement with Tata Motors for the 997 acres at Singur, to return 400 acres to unwilling farmers.

Banerjee's anti-land acquisition movements in Singur and Nandigram had changed the course of politics in the state and helped her party, Trinamool Congress, to wrest power, ending 34 years of Left Front rule. Soon after coming to power, Banerjee had set up the expert committee on May 30.

The committee comprised renowned lawyer Soumendranath Bose and Bandopadhaya, an architect of 'Operation Barga' that had facilitated distribution of millions of acres among landless farmers and tillers from 1978.


Former Bengal minister suggests land policy

Kolkata, June 15 (PTI) A former minister of the Left Front today suggested that the Mamata Banerjee government undertake a policy to preserve agricultural land and prevent their use for non-agriculture purpose.

If the state government failed to retain agricultural land from being converted, it would result in food scarcity in the state, former land and land reforms minister Abdur Rezzak Mollah told the West Bengal Assembly while participating in a discussion on the Governor''s address.

Criticising the government''s plan to set up a land bank in the state, Mollah said this was not feasible since in most cases land holdings are smaller and that too under the possession of large number of share-croppers.

"At best a land-use map can be prepared in the state for proper utilisation of all available land for agriculture and other purposes," Mollah said.

Mollah pointed out that a huge land area covering the premises of many closed industrial units was still lying unutilised and those could be recovered from the owner of the closed units.

Admitting mistakes by his government in agricultural marketing, he called for a radical change in the sector making the cycle from agriculture to agro-business farmers-friendly.

Setting up committees would not serve the purpose; cold chain and other modern facilities were essential along with involvement of farmers instead of middlemen to reduce cost of the produce and benefit the farmers more, he said. PTI AKB MD

Investors must buy land on their own: Panel

KOLKATA: Investors must buy every bit of the land they require to set up an industry, says the expert committee on land, thus, seconding what Mamata Banerjee has been demanding ever since she took up the cause of landlosers. 

The committee, comprising former land and land reforms commissioner Debabrata Bandyopadhyay and barrister Somendra Nath Basu, submitted its report to the CM on Wednesday. The report, prefaced with a Vinoba Bhave quote - "Land belongs to God. No one has any propriety over it" - and split in 20 sections, has 31 recommendations. 

The CM formed the panel a fortnight ago for a renewed land policy for Bengal. Bandyopadhyay told reporters, "Industrialists will have to acquire their land privately. The government wouldn't be involved in this." 

His words echoed what the CM declared in the assembly only 24 hours ago. She had dubbed the Land Acquisition Act of 1894 as "draconian" while participating in the debate in the assembly over the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011. Time and again, Mamata has conveyed her reservations about the Act to the Centre. The UPA-II government is working on an amendment that allows government to acquire 30% of the land required for a project. The committee's recommendation for Bengal's land policy has completely ruled out government participation. 

Asked about the hurdles in direct purchase of plots that are mostly fragmented and the role of middle-men, Bandyopadhyay shrugged, "Since industrialists don't share their profits with the government, how can they expect the latter to help them get land?" He conceded that brokerage would prevail in a market system: "How can one avoid it?" The committee has recommended fixing the land price according to registration records. "The price can be more than this, no less," Bandyopadhyay asserted. 

In case of acquisition for public purpose, the state must compensate the landloser adequately (with jobs, increased solatium etc). "We have pointed out in our report that land for the farmer is a source of livelihood and not just a property. Therefore, proper compensation is the need of the hour," he said. 

The committee's report has sampled the land-use map conceived by the Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee government to recommend zoning of industrial land. Bhatar in Burdwan, for instance, is an area with multi-crop land and, hence, setting up an industry there is a strict no-no. Similarly, Blocks I, II and Neturia areas of Purulia are barren and could be used for industry. 

The report has a proposal relating to distribution of land among 10 lakh landless farmers for the sake of food security. The policy, "Nija Bhumi Nija Griha" (your land, your house), has recommended allotting 10 cottahs to each of these landlosers, including the 5.5 lakh homeless, in the next five years. Around Rs 1,500 crore would be needed for the purpose. Asked how the government would acquire this land, Bandyopadhyay said, the state will purchase the land.The committee has called for reduced fertilizers in agriculture and stalling the use of genetically modified seeds. 

The committee also wants the government to take back "at least some land" from absentee land-losers. It has sought bank loans for share-croppers intending to possess land and steps against illegal transfer of tribal land. Then there is a proposal for farmers to harvest their own water by digging up ponds.

No forcible acquisition, not even for power plants: CM

Ajanta Chakraborty , TNN | Jun 15, 2011, 02.42am IST-- 

KOLKATA: Mamata Banerjee is not prepared to evoke land-losing pangs by invoking the Land Acquisition Act 1894 -- not even for necessities like electricity. In a meeting on Friday, the chief minister, who is also the power minister, decided that her government will not acquire land for power projects through the centuries-old Act that calls for forcible acquisition. 

Mamata has already set up a two-member land committee comprising former land and land reforms commissioner Debabrata Bandopadhyay and barrister Somendra Nath Basu to formulate the most acceptable land acquisition policy. But the only land acquisition project that will get a green signal in the near future seems to be for the 6,000 acres to build embankments in Aila-hit Sundarbans. Here, too, land will be taken only after prior consultations at the gram samsad, gram panchayat level and will be offered government jobs (subject to appropriate vacancies). The solatium amount will be increased to 60% from 30%. 

The chief minister has given a go-ahead to this project considering the vulnerability of the islanders of Sundarbans. She wants to start the work by September 1. 

However, Mamata doesn't feel the same way for power projects. Last Friday, she held a meeting with officials of power department, the state power utilities, DVC and NTPC to take stock of the state's dismal power situation. "At the meeting, the chief minister made it very clear that not an inch of land will be acquired for power projects under the current Land Acquisition Act," said a source in the know. Officials cited the ongoing Katwa plants (units 1 and 2), each with 800 MW capacity -- saying land acquisition was the need of the hour for these plants. Bengal's projected shortfall in peak seasons -- as pointed out by the Eastern Regional Power Committee (ERPC) under the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) - will be 1,349 MW in 2012; 2,194 MW in 2013; 3074 MW in 2014 and 4050 MW in 2015. 

With the Katwa power plant project underway, the state power utility needs a total 1,100 acres of which 450 is in government possession. Mamata stressed on consultation even if that takes some time for the power project that is already two years behind schedule. 

Last September, WBPDCL decided to transfer the Katwa projects to NTPC because of funds crunch. But the state government must go ahead with the acquisition and hand over the land to NTPC. Around Rs 134 crore have already been sunk in. 

As per CEA's stock-taking report last year, West Bengal, which used to proclaim itself a power-surplus regions once upon a time, failed to equip itself against the huge shortfall. Referring to the Planning Commission's stern views of Bengal's power planning, CEA observed that the state had known since 2002 that the average increase in power demand is 450 MW annually. 

And now the government's latest stand would affect 5800-MW projects that are in the pipeline. All these have been projected in the ongoing 11th Five-Year Plan. 


নয়া জমি-নীতি নিয়ে কমিটির সুপারিশ
বাজার থেকেই পুরো জমি কিনতে হবে শিল্প সংস্থাকে
বিধানসভায় সিঙ্গুর-বিল পাশের চব্বিশ ঘণ্টার মধ্যেই নতুন জমি-নীতি নিয়ে সুপারিশ জমা দিল রাজ্য সরকার নিযুক্ত দুই সদস্যের কমিটি। প্রত্যাশিত ভাবে সেখানে মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের বক্তব্যের সঙ্গে সুর মিলিয়ে বেসরকারি শিল্পের জন্য জমি অধিগ্রহণে সরকারের কোনও রকম ভূমিকা থাকার বিরোধিতা করল তারা। শুধু তাই নয়, বহু ফসলি, দো ফসলি, বনাঞ্চলের জমি নিয়ে যাতে কোনও শিল্প গড়ে উঠতে না পারে, সে জন্য সেগুলিকে 'নো-ইন্ডাস্ট্রি জোন' হিসেবে ঘোষণার সুপারিশও করল কমিটি।
শহরাঞ্চলের ব্যাপারে অবশ্য কমিটি তাদের এ দিনের রিপোর্টে কোনও সুপারিশ করেনি। 
জমি আন্দোলনকে পুঁজি করে ক্ষমতায় আসা মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় আগেই স্পষ্ট করে দিয়েছিলেন, 'জনস্বার্থের' দোহাই দিয়ে আর শিল্পের জন্য কৃষিজমি অধিগ্রহণ করা যাবে না। জানিয়েছিলেন, বেসরকারি শিল্পের জন্য জমি সংশ্লিষ্ট শিল্পসংস্থাকে সরাসরি বাজার থেকেই কিনতে হবে। মমতা যে নতুন জমি-নীতি তৈরি করতে চলেছেন, সে খবর প্রথম প্রকাশিত হয় আনন্দবাজারেই। পৃথক জমি-নীতির পক্ষে দাঁড়িয়ে মমতা সেখানে জানিয়েছিলেন, রাজ্য সরকার পৃথক জমি-নীতি ঘোষণা করলে তা যুক্তরাষ্ট্রীয় ব্যবস্থায় কোনও অসাংবিধানিক কাজ হবে না। 
সেই কাজেই বুধবার আরও এক ধাপ এগোলেন মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়।
মহাকারণে মুখ্যমন্ত্রীকে জমি-নীতির রিপোর্টটি তুলে দিচ্ছেন দেবব্রত বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়। বুধবার। নিজস্ব চিত্র
পশ্চিমবঙ্গে জমি ব্যবহার সংক্রান্ত নীতি প্রণয়নের জন্য গত মাসে ক্ষমতায় এসেই তিনি যে কমিটি তৈরি করেছিলেন, তার অন্যতম সদস্য দেবব্রত বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় বুধবার মহাকরণে তাঁদের ৩১টি খসড়া সুপারিশ সম্বলিত ৫৬ পাতার রিপোর্টটি তুলে দেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর হাতে। অসুস্থতার জন্য কমিটির অপর সদস্য বর্ষীয়ান আইনজীবী সোমেন্দ্রচন্দ্র বসু এ দিন হাজির থাকতে পারেননি। 
আধ ঘণ্টা বৈঠকের পর দেবব্রতবাবুকে সঙ্গে নিয়ে ঘর থেকে বেরিয়ে আসেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী স্বয়ং। সাংবাদিকদের মমতা বলেন, ১৫ দিনের মধ্যে কমিটি তার সুপারিশ জমা দিয়ে দিল। 
মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর পরামর্শে এর পর দেবব্রতবাবু কমিটির সুপারিশগুলি ব্যাখ্যা করে বলেন, বেসরকারি শিল্পের জন্য ১০০ শতাংশ জমি সরাসরি বাজার থেকেই কিনতে হবে সংশ্লিষ্ট সংস্থাকে। বিভিন্ন এলাকায় জমি রেজিস্ট্রেশনের জন্য সরকারি ভাবে জমির যে দর নির্ধারিত রয়েছে, সেই দামের নীচে যাতে জমি বিক্রি না হয়, সরকার নিযুক্ত 'রেগুলেটর' বা নিয়ন্ত্রক তা দেখবেন। কোনও প্রান্তিক চাষির জমি শিল্পের জন্য নেওয়া হলে জমি বিক্রির সময় তাঁর ভবিষ্যৎ জীবিকানির্বাহের দিকটিও মাথায় রাখতে হবে। 
রিপোর্টে সংযোজিত রাজ্যের কয়েকটি ব্লকের ভূমি ব্যবহার মানচিত্রও খুলে দেখান দেবব্রতবাবু। বর্ধমানের ভাতার ব্লকের মানচিত্র দেখিয়ে তিনি বলেন, ওই ব্লকের পুরোটাই হয় বহু ফসলি অথবা দো-ফসলি জমি। সেখানে কোনও শিল্পই করতে দেওয়া উচিত নয়। পুরুলিয়া এক ও দুই নম্বর ব্লকের মানচিত্র দেখিয়ে তাঁর মন্তব্য, সেখানে বেশ কিছুটা বনাঞ্চল, বাকিটা চাষযোগ্য জমি। শিল্প গড়তে দেওয়া উচিত নয় সেখানেও। তবে, পুরুলিয়ারই নিতুড়িয়া ব্লকের মানচিত্র বলছে, সেখানে কোনও শিল্প নেই, নেই তেমন চাষবাসও। শিল্প হতে পারে সেখানে। 
কমিটির সুপারিশ, সরকার কোনও উন্নয়নমূলক কাজের জন্য জমি নিতে চাইলে তখনই কেবল জমি অধিগ্রহণ আইনের সাহায্য নেওয়া যাবে। সে ক্ষেত্রেও যাঁরা জমি দিচ্ছেন, তাঁদের জীবিকার কথা খেয়াল রাখতে হবে। কারণ দেবব্রতবাবুর মতে, জমি কেবলমাত্র সম্পত্তি নয়, তা জীবিকানির্বাহের মাধ্যমও বটে।

এ ছাড়া, কমিটির অন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সুপারিশগুলি হল
• 'নিজ ভূমি, নিজ গৃহ' প্রকল্পে রাজ্যের সাড়ে পাঁচ লক্ষ গৃহহীন পরিবারের প্রত্যেককে ছয় কাঠা করে জমি দেওয়া হোক। জমি দেওয়া হোক আরও সাড়ে চার লক্ষ ভূমিহীন পরিবারকেও। আগামী পাঁচ বছরে ১৫০০ কোটি টাকা খরচ করে এঁদের সকলের জন্য জমির ব্যবস্থা করে দারিদ্রের মূলে কুঠারাঘাত করা হোক।
• জমির মালিক ও বর্গাদারদের মধ্যে বোঝাপাড়ার ভিত্তিতে বর্গাদারেরাও যাতে জমিতে চাষের জন্য অথবা সেই জমি কিনে নেওয়ার জন্য ব্যাঙ্কের কাছ থেকে ঋণ পেতে পারেন, সেই ব্যবস্থা করা হোক।
• 'নিজের জল নিজে ধরো' কর্মসূচিতে শুখা মরসুমে চাষের জলের সুরাহা করতে রাজ্যেবেসরকারি হাতে থাকা ১২ লক্ষ পুকুরকে সরকারি উদ্যোগে কর্মনিশ্চয়তা প্রকল্পের মাধ্যমে সংস্কার করানো হোক। শর্ত একটাই, শুখা মরসুমে পঞ্চায়েত যেখানে জল দিতে বলবে, সেই জমিতে পুকুরগুলি থেকে জল জোগাতে হবে। দেবব্রতবাবু বলেন, রাজ্যের চার মাসে গড়ে ১৭০০ মিলিমিটারের মতো বৃষ্টি হয়। বাকি আট মাস শুখা মরসুম চলে। খরাপ্রবণ এলাকায় কৃষকদের চাষের জল জোগাতেই 'নিজের জল নিজে ধর' কর্মসূচির কথা ভাবা হয়েছে।
• আদিবাসীদের জমির অধিকার হরণকেই সাঁওতাল বিদ্রোহ থেকে অধুনা জঙ্গলমহলে অশান্তির মূল কারণ বলে উল্লেখ করে দেবব্রতবাবু বলেন, সেই চিরাচরিত বঞ্চনা রুখতে জমির উপর আদিবাসীদের অধিকারকে সুনিশ্চিত করার প্রস্তাব দিয়েছে কমিটি। তাতে অরণ্যের অধিকার রক্ষা আইনের কার্যকর প্রয়োগের পাশাপাশি জঙ্গলমহলে জমির ব্যবহারে আদিবাসীদের উপরেই সমষ্টিগত পরিচালনার দায়িত্ব ছেড়ে দিতে বলা হয়েছে।

এ ছাড়া কমিটির অন্যান্য সুপারিশের মধ্যে রয়েছে
• জিন পরিবর্তিত বীজে চাষের অনুমতি দেওয়া চলবে না। কারণ, তাতে হাতে গোনা বহুজাতিক সংস্থাগুলির বীজ সরবরাহের উপর কৃষকদের নিভর্রশীল হয়ে থাকতে হবে। খাদ্য নিরাপত্তা নষ্ট হওয়ার আশঙ্কা দেখা দেবে।
• নির্বিচারে রাসায়নিক সার ও কীটনাশকের ব্যবহারে রাশ টানতে হবে। কারণ, উত্তরোত্তর রাসায়নিক সার ব্যবহারের ফলে জমির উৎপাদনশীলতা কমে যাচ্ছে। আখেরে কৃষকরাই মার খাচ্ছেন।
• জমি কেনাবেচা এবং জমিতে বিনিয়োগের পদ্ধতি সহজ করতে সমস্ত জমির নথিপত্র সংরক্ষণ করতে হবে অনলাইন ব্যবস্থার মাধ্যমে। রেজিস্ট্রেশন, নাম জারি, খতিয়ান সব কিছুকেই কম্পিউটার পরিচালিত ব্যবস্থার আওতায় আনতে হবে।

এক নজরে
• দো ফসলি, বহু ফসলি, বনাঞ্চলের জমি 'নো-ইন্ডাস্ট্রি জোন'
• বেসরকারি শিল্পের জন্য পুরো জমি বাজার থেকে কিনতে হবে
• রেজিস্ট্রেশনের জন্য নির্ধারিত দামের কমে জমি
যাতে বিক্রি না হয়, তাতে নজর রাখতে নিয়ন্ত্রক
• অধিগ্রহণ আইনের প্রয়োগ শুধু সরকারের উন্নয়নমূলক কাজে
• সে ক্ষেত্রে জমিদাতাদের জীবিকার বিষয়টি মাথায় রাখবে সরকার
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Hands-off and hug advice 
Stay off firms, give land to poor: Panel

Calcutta, June 15: A panel has recommended that the state government play no role in land acquisition for private industry other than setting up a minimum-price regulator.

The panel also mooted an "own land, own home" scheme which gives Mamata Banerjee an option to chisel her version of Operation Barga that defined the Left Front's debut in the late 1970s.

Private investors should buy the entire land directly from owners at prevailing market rates, according to one of 31 recommendations submitted by the two-member group to the chief minister today.

However, it appears to have left some room for manoeuvre on multi-crop land, saying that such agricultural plots should not be acquired "to the extent possible". The leeway mirrors the ground situation in Bengal where most of the land is fertile; agriculture department officials said more than one crop a year is cultivated in over 65 per cent of the 1.7 crore acres tilled in Bengal.

A market regulator has been proposed to set the minimum price at which private investors should directly buy land. If land is acquired for a state-run project, the government should "provide an alternative source of livelihood" to land-losers, according to a recommendation.

The panel, appointed by the Mamata Banerjee government, is headed by Debabrata Bandopadhyay, a retired IAS officer who drafted in 1978 the Left Front's Operation Barga that gave bargadars (sharecroppers) legal protection against eviction by landlords. The panel includes lawyer Soumendranath Basu.

The "Barga parallel" in today's recommendations is a scheme to give 6.5 cottahs to each landless and homeless family in rural Bengal. The state has 5.5 lakh such families, excluding those in urban centres.

The panel felt that the proposed scheme — Nijo Bhumi, Nijo Griha (own land, own home) — should be implemented over five years at a cost of Rs 1,500 crore. The question of funds will rise if and when the cash-starved government decides to accept the recommendation.

"If implemented, it will immensely benefit those who have neither land nor home," Bandopadhyay said.

The tenor of today's recommendations, which need to be approved by the cabinet to become policy and can undergo modifications if the chief minister so decides, echoes the government's extreme reluctance to get involved in land acquisition.

The hands-off recommendation on acquisition for private industries is at variance with the initial formula mooted by the UPA government at the Centre in the land rehabilitation bill that is yet to be passed by Parliament. As the most influential UPA ally, Mamata had earlier objected to any government role in land acquisition for private industry.

The UPA draft had suggested a government role in acquiring 30 per cent of the land after the private investor had bought 70 per cent and if the state is convinced that a public purpose is being served. But the Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council had recommended 100 per cent purchase by the government, following which land can be handed over to investors, to avoid exploitation of land-owners and other stakeholders such as labourers and tenants.

Explaining the panel's rationale for advising against a government role, Bandopadhyay said: "A private industry will help the private player make profit. That is the entity's primary objective in setting up the industry. The government should not have to acquire land for such a venture."

He added that factors like brokerage must be accounted for by the entity while buying land, though the "market regulator" would fix the base price for such purchases.

The 20 sections of the 56-page report list recommendations on a land acquisition policy, rehabilitation, land records scrutiny and a farming policy.

The panel has said procurement of agricultural land that yields more than one crop a year should be avoided to "the extent possible". "Fertile, agricultural land that yields two crops or more annually should not be procured for setting up industry to the extent possible," Bandopadhyay said.

The government, the group said, should acquire land only for its own projects. The rehabilitation policy should be drawn up keeping in mind that land is not just property for the owner but also his primary source of livelihood.

"The government, when it has to acquire land, should ensure alternative means of livelihood," said Bandopadhyay. However, he did not specify whether the panel meant jobs or facilities such as shops through which income can be earned.

Earlier this month, Mamata had promised a government job to one member of each family from which land is taken, besides an annuity payment, when 6,000 acres would be acquired for building embankments along the Aila-ravaged Sundarbans.

The panel has suggested a provision for bank loans for sharecroppers willing to buy land from owners. "Sharecroppers who want to buy land from the owner should have access to bank loan facilities,"Bandopadhyay said.

The recommendations on the farming policy included provisions like a ban on use of genetically modified seeds for preserving food security and restrictions on excessive use of fertilisers for retaining the fertility of farmland.

West Bengal govt may not assist promoters to acquire land

Livemint - Romita Datta - ‎9 hours ago‎
Kolkata: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee may soon announce a new land use policy which says the government will not acquire land for industrial projects, leaving it to project promoters to do so. "They (companies) operate in a market economy ...

Buy land directly from farmers, says West Bengal's draft policy - ‎21 hours ago‎
"We have submitted a draft on the land use policy to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee," said Debabrata Bandhapadhyay, who headed the two-member panel formed to prepare the land use policyland bank and landmap. "We have recommended that industrialists ...

Land Acquisition Act of 1894 draconian: Mamata Banerjee - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Banerjee said the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, would show the way to the people not only in West Bengal but the entire country. She said her government was formulating aland policy and had formed an expert committee.

Singur Bill passed amid Opposition walkout

The Hindu - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
She said that an expert committee had been constituted to suggest a land policy for West Bengal, adding that barring explicit urgencies, her government would not acquire land. "This Bill [Singur Bill] will show the way to the world," she said, ...

Hands-off and hug advice

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎17 hours ago‎
The 20 sections of the 56-page report list recommendations on a land acquisition policy, rehabilitation, landrecords scrutiny and a farming policy. The panel has said procurement of agricultural land that yields more than one crop a year should be ...

Mamata's Singur stand may hurt NTPC project

Business Standard - Shine Jacob - ‎Jun 12, 2011‎
According to sources, till the Trinamool Congress-led government comes out with a new land policy, the project will not move forward. If not, this might be the end of another big-ticket investment in the state. When asked about this, ...

Singur bill through, Left Front walks out

Hindustan Times - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Land minister in the Left Front government, Abdur Rezzak Mollah, who had consistently opposed Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee's land acquisition policy, echoed Chatterjee. "All landowners should have been given back their land and not only the unwilling ones. ...

Delivering on promises made

Financial Express - Rc Acharya - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
He is a political and social worker, been a staunch supporter of Banerjee and someone she can trust to carry forward her policies and, most importantly, the scores of new projects she has sanctioned for West Bengal before signing off as railway ...

Mamata announces health sector reform - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
Kolkata, June 13 (IANS) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Monday said a three-phase developmental system will be taken up to improve the state's ailing health services sector. "We have to go through three systems for health service development ...

Mamata threatens to sack food dept officials - ‎21 hours ago‎
PTI Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who visited the Food Department headquarters in Kolkata on Wednesday, said essential items were not reaching the poor and threatened to sack the officers responsible for it. ...

''Why Mamata is silent on corruption issue?'' Gadkari - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
PTI | 08:06 PM,Jun 15,2011 Kolkata, Jun 15 (PTI) BJP president Nitin Gadkari today questioned West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's silence on the corruption issue and alleged that as a UPA cabinet minister she "allowed" corruption. ...

Ural eyes Singur plot

Times of India - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
Ural India, an auto major with a plant at Haldia in which West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation has 11% stake, has expressed keen interest to invest in Singur to set up a small car factory. It now produces buses and heavy trucks along with ...

CM unhappy at state of affairs in Khadya Bhavan - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
PTI | 04:06 PM,Jun 15,2011 Kolkata, June 15 (PTI) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today expressed dismay at the piled up files and papers strewn in the Food department headquarters and asked officials to prepare a computer database of all ...

Mamata Banerjee Settle of Land Impasse

Weekly Blitz - Deepak Roy - ‎8 hours ago‎
Her movement against land acquisition elevated into West Bengal's chief minister's chair with over two-third majority in the poll. In her first cabinet meeting on May 20 she hurriedly announced to return 400 acres of land to those farmers at Singur, ...

Mamata delivered what she promised, the Singur Land Bill

Civic Revolt (blog) - ‎9 hours ago‎
The West Bengal Assembly on Tuesday passed by voice vote the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill to enable the Mamata Banerjee led government to acquire the entire 997.11 acres of land earlier handed over to the Tatas for their Nano car ...

Mamata keeps her promise, passes Singur bill - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Kolkata: West Bengal government on Tuesday passed the Singur Bill in the Assembly even as the Left voiced protest. Although the Bill has empowered the government to re-acquire the land and redistribute it, it has also raised many questions to which ...

Singur Land Bill passed, Mamata fulfils promise

Economic Times - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Amid heated exchange of words and walkout by Opposition members, West Bengal Assembly on Tuesday passed a Bill scrapping the previous Left Front government's deal with Tata Motors to return land to 'unwilling ' farmers in Singur, fulfilling a key ...

Left walks out, Singur bill passed

Indian Express - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The West Bengal Assembly witnessed history on Tuesday as it passed the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, that enables the government to take possession of 997 acres of land in Singur leased to Tata Motors and its ancillary units by ...

Tatas studying bill

Indian Express - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
In its first official reaction to the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, that was passed in the West Bengal Assembly on Tuesday, Tata Motors Limited (TML) has repudiated the state government's views on several counts. ...

Bengal passes bill to return land to Singur farmers

Times of India - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The land belonged to West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation. It leased out the land to the Tatas. Now WBIDC wants the government to vest the land. That is why the commerce and industries department has tabled the bill. Once the land is with the ...

A law for Singur

Livemint - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The West Bengal assembly on Tuesday passed a Bill that allows the state government to return land to farmers at Singur, the sight of a battle of nerves between the previous government and many farmers there. The law is likely to prove controversial. ...

Mamata interface for intent on industry

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎17 hours ago‎
That acumen will be put to test this Saturday as Mamata will have to convince the gathering that she can leadBengal's industrial rejuvenation despite the Singur saga. "It will be interesting to know her views on land acquisition for setting up ...

Pullout a painful decision: Tata Motors

The Hindu - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Tata Motors on Tuesday said it would take appropriate steps after studying the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, which pertains to the plot leased by the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC) to the company and its ...

Land owners celebrate Singur law

Times of India - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
SINGUR: The debate over land return in the assembly sent its ripples to Singur, the place that played an important role in bringing about the change in Bengal. Signs of jubilation were evident at Gopalnagar Ghoshpara, Beraberi Purbapara, ...

West Bengal assembly passes Singur land Bill

Livemint - Aniek PaulRomita Datta - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Kolkata/Singur: The West Bengal assembly on Tuesday passed the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, that will allow it to return land to farmers from the 647-acre plot allotted to Tata Motors Ltd for building its small car factory. ...

Singur Bill passed, legal battle looms

Business Standard - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The historic Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011 was passed in the West Bengal Assembly on Tuesday. However, the impasse over return of land is far from over, as the issue is now threatening to move to the courts. ...

It's Singur, once again

Hindu Business Line - Ranabir Ray Choudhury - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The long and the short of it is that this is not the time to look back and get bogged down in controversies which will get West Bengal nowhere. The time has come to break with the past and set the ball rolling so that the children of the State can look ...

Mamata meeting top Bengal industrialists this weekend

Financial Express - ‎21 hours ago‎
Kolkata: To send the right signals to the industry post-Singur Bill, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee has called a meeting with top industrialists this weekend. The state government-initiated Industrial Conclave is likely to see Bengal Inc ...

Experts find Bill shaky on legal grounds

Hindu Business Line - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
"The transfer of land to Tata Motors by the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC) was done under the Transfer of Property Act. Any reclamation should be done within the purview of the same Act. Bringing in a new Bill will make the ...

Singur Bill remains vague on compensation

Hindu Business Line - Pratim Ranjan Bose - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
A. Roy Chowdhury A copy of the Singur Land and Rehabilitation Bill which has been tabled by the West Bengal Governement at the state legislative assembly on Tuesday. The 280-page SingurLand Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011 has little clarity ...

West Bengal to restore farm land

BBC News - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Legislators in the Indian state of West Bengal have passed measures to return land to farmers which was forcibly acquired to make way for a car factory. The chief minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, said the move would undo the injustice to ...

''Unwilling'' farmers of Singur rejoice - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
PTI | 10:06 PM,Jun 14,2011 Kolkata/Singur (WB), Jun 14 (PTI) Farmers, who had "unwillingly" given up their land for the Tata Motors project in Singur, rejoiced after a bill was passed today in West Bengal Assembly for returning theirland...

Tata Motors deny West Bengal government's charges of not generating jobs

Economic Times - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The company also said it would take appropriate steps after studying the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill , 2011 passed by the West Bengal government today. The bill scraps land deal with the company and seeks to return 400 acres ...

Statement from Tata Motors on Singur Bill - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
After the West Bengal government today passed the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill 2011, Tata Motors released a statement this evening saying the firm "will study the Bill and take appropriate steps." The company stresses that it ...

Tata challenges allegations made by Mamata in Singur Bill - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The land was leased by the Left when it was in power to the Tata Group who planned to set up a manufacturing plant for its Nano car. In the West Bengal Assembly today, The Singur LandRehabilitation and Development Bill 2011, was passed by voice vote. ...

Bengal govt must award appropriate compensation: Sona Koyo - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
West Bengal has passed the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011. Concerns arose, however, over the passing of a separate bill instead of amending the Central Land Acquisition Act. This is expected to invite unnecessary complications ...

Mamata to address industrialists June 18 - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
By IANS, Kolkata : West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will address a gathering of captains of industry and chambers of commerce here Saturday to outline her blueprint for the state's industrialisation. "Heads of all public sector undertakings, ...

Tata Motors slips after vendors protest against Singur Bill - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Sona Koyo Chairman said vendors should be compensated by the West Bengal govt. "We will appeal in court if not compensated by govt," he said. The stock has touched an intraday high of Rs 1011.00 and an intraday low of Rs 986.45. ...

Mamata government tables Singur bill

Economic Times - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
KOLKATA: The West Bengal government Tuesday tabled a legislation in the state assembly in its bid to return a portion of the land acquired by the erstwhile Left Front regime from "unwilling owners" for setting up the now abandoned Tata Motors small car ...

Bengal Assembly passes Singur land bill - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Kolkata: The Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011 was passed in West Bengal Assembly amid walkout by the Left Front. The Left MLA protested that the questions and the clarifications related to the bill raised by them were not addressed ...

Singur Bill set to be tabled today

NewsX - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011 has been tabled in the West Bengal Assembly by Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee today ie 14th June. The Bill seeks to take back that land and return 400 acres of it to farmers while ...

Tata Motors down; UBS downgrades to 'sell'

Economic Times - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Shares of Tata Motors fell more than 2 percent on investors concern about rising interest rates and after the WestBengal state's cabinet approved the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Redevelopment Bill to be tabled in the assembly on Wednesday that ...

CPI-M disapproves Singur Bill

Newstrack India - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
Kolkata, June 15 (ANI): Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) have strictly opposed the Singur LandRehabilitation and Development Bill, which was passed in the West Bengal Assembly. 'This Bill, which was placed in the assembly, is a stand alone bill. ...

Mamata asks doctors to perform with available infrastructure

Indian Express - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee who has given priority to health since taking over expressed unhappiness at the poor infrastructure in the sector, but directed improvement of services nonetheless. "What they have done in the last 35 years? ...

Bill scrapping Singur lease in Assembly today

Indian Express - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
The West Bengal government on Monday convened a special session of the state Assembly to pave the way for the introduction, on an emergency basis, of 'The Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011' on Tuesday. The proposed Bill, which will ...

Mamata cabinet okays Singur land return Bill

Times of India - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
KOLKATA: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday announced her cabinet's decision to return 400 acres ofland to Singur farmers. The state cabinet on Monday approved the draft Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011. ...

Violence, assault, threat and intimidation forced us to leave Singur: Tata Motors

Daily Bhaskar - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
In response to the Singur Bill tabled by the West Bengal Government in the State Assembly on Tuesday, Tata Motors has issued a statement explaining the reason behind the company's decision to fold its operations. Reacting to the Bill that seeks to ...

Didi's healing message to docs

Times of India - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
KOLKATA: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday tugged at the heartstrings of health professionals in the state, asking them to go beyond their job briefs, narrow political interests and become more humane. "Let bygones be bygones, forget which ...

Ancillaries in no mood for court battle

Times of India - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
KOLKATA: On the eve of the introduction of the Singur land-return bill in assembly, the new government might heave a sigh of relief. The ancillary units in Singur are in no mood for a legal battle if they get an acceptable compensation. ...

Echoes of past in Singur land return bill

Times of India - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
Even the Buddhadeb Bhattacherjee government had proposed to return maximum possible land to farmers, and this government is also going on similar lines. In the process, Bengal lost a big opportunity by driving out the Tatas," high court lawyer Arunava ...

CM reviews plan for N Bengal

Indian Express - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday reviewed development plans with the the ministers of Sports, Tourism and North Bengal Development. "She was very keen to know the problems faced by us in our respective departments so that they can be overcome ...

Mamata's three-phase plan to revive health services

Indian Express - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
In a bid to improve Health services in the state, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday announced a three-phase plan with a special emphasis on improving hospital infrastructure and framing of the government's long-time goals. ...

Recall why we left Singur: Tata Motors

Rediff - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
In response to the West Bengal legislative assembly approving the new government's Bill taking away the entire land at Singur allotted to Tata Motors' stillborn Nano car factory, the company said the legislation fails to state why the project had to be ...

Bengal govt to table Bill to take back Singur land

Livemint - Aniek Paul - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
The Trinamool Congress-led West Bengal government will take back land from Tata Motors Ltd and its component suppliers that was controversially acquired by the previous government of the state from farmers in Singur. The previous government seized land ...

WB Assembly passes Singur bill to return 400 acres of land to farmers

All India Radio - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011 has been passed in West BengalAssembly amidst Left walkout. The bill was presented in the Assembly today to hand over 400 acres of land at Singur to the farmers who never accepted compensation ...

Mamata poised to take back Singur land

Hindustan Times - ‎Jun 13, 2011‎
The West Bengal government is poised to take back all the land in Singur allotted to the Tatas in 2007 for the Nano car factory. The government is likely to make its move on Tuesday by passing the Singur land rehabilitation and development bill, 2011, ...


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Investors must buy land on their own: Panel

Times of India - ‎4 hours ago‎
KOLKATA: Investors must buy every bit of the land they require to set up an industry, says the expert committee on land, thus, seconding what Mamata Banerjee has been demanding ever since she took up the cause of landlosers. ...

West Bengal govt may not assist promoters to acquire land

Livemint - Romita Datta - ‎9 hours ago‎
Kolkata: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee may soon announce a new land use policy which says the government will not acquire land for industrial projects, leaving it to project promoters to do so. "They (companies) operate in a market economy ...

Bengal govt not to acquire land for industry: Panel

Business Standard - ‎20 hours ago‎
The two-member expert committee constituted by the West Bengal government to draft a new land policy in the state, has recommended direct purchase of land by industrialists from farmers. "We have asked the state government not to acquire land for ...

"Those from whom food is not reaching the people must be sacked," Mamata told the department's officers when they informed her that items meant for PDS were not reaching the beneficiaries because of a section of Food Department staff and some businessmen.
more by Mamata Banerjee - 21 hours ago - occurrences)

Mamata threatens to sack food dept officials - ‎21 hours ago‎
PTI Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who visited the Food Department headquarters in Kolkata on Wednesday, said essential items were not reaching the poor and threatened to sack the officers responsible for it. ...

''Why Mamata is silent on corruption issue?'' Gadkari - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
PTI | 08:06 PM,Jun 15,2011 Kolkata, Jun 15 (PTI) BJP president Nitin Gadkari today questioned West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's silence on the corruption issue and alleged that as a UPA cabinet minister she "allowed" corruption. ...

Ural eyes Singur plot

Times of India - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
KOLKATA: While chief minister Mamata Banerjee plans to return 400 acres of land in Singur to unwilling farmers, the city-based Ural Group approached the CM on Monday with a proposal to set up an auto plant at Singur on a 500-acre plot. ...

CM unhappy at state of affairs in Khadya Bhavan - ‎Jun 15, 2011‎
PTI | 04:06 PM,Jun 15,2011 Kolkata, June 15 (PTI) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today expressed dismay at the piled up files and papers strewn in the Food department headquarters and asked officials to prepare a computer database of all ...

Mamata keeps her promise, passes Singur bill - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Kolkata: West Bengal government on Tuesday passed the Singur Bill in the Assembly even as the Left voiced protest. Although the Bill has empowered the government to re-acquire the land and redistribute it, it has also raised many questions to which ...

Singur Land Bill passed, Mamata fulfils promise

Economic Times - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
Amid heated exchange of words and walkout by Opposition members, West Bengal Assembly on Tuesday passed a Bill scrapping the previous Left Front government's deal with Tata Motors to return land to 'unwilling ' farmers in Singur, fulfilling a key ...

Left walks out, Singur bill passed

Indian Express - ‎Jun 14, 2011‎
The West Bengal Assembly witnessed history on Tuesday as it passed the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, that enables the government to take possession of 997 acres of land in Singur leased to Tata Motors and its ancillary units by ...

Timeline of articles

Timeline of articles
Number of sources covering this story
Investors must buy land on their own: Panel
‎4 hours ago‎ - Times of India
Statement from Tata Motors on Singur Bill
‎Jun 14, 2011‎ -
Singur Bill passed in WB Assembly; Opposite walks out
‎Jun 14, 2011‎ -
Singur Bill to be tabled today
‎Jun 13, 2011‎ - Business Standard
Mamata's Singur stand may hurt NTPC project
‎Jun 12, 2011‎ - Business Standard


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