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Friday, June 17, 2011

Democracy is not mere elections : What use if it fails to bring socio-economic changes ?


Democracy is not mere elections : What use if it fails to bring socio-economic changes ?

Our upper caste rulers brag about India's "robust democracy", citing the regular elections they hold. India has just completed one such election to four state assemblies. And the   oppressed victims of the upper caste rule are made to think  that regular elections are the  proof  of democracy.

No. Democracy does not mean holding regular elections. Democracy must  assure socio-economic-political liberty and their human rights. That is the meaning of election. India has only elections after elections – each reinforcing  the rule of the upper caste (15%) oppressors.

Change of a ruling political party will not lead to any change in the socio-economic condition of the people. We had hundreds of such elections since  "independence" but every election has only strengthened  the rule of the upper caste oppressors. Well- entrenched powerful upper castes are in full control of all political parties, including the communist parties.

Hence a change of govt. after an election means just a change of name  to the  oppressed (85%) but the core content of the ruling upper castes remain the same.

Manuwadi communists:  This was evident    on May 13, 2011. Those who rejoiced, danced and sang on the streets are  mainly the  upper castes.  These are the very corrupt fellows  behind Anna Hazare.

We have said this many times and repeating it again on the verdict of the latest series of Assembly elections in Kerala, TN, WB and Assam.

Once again the oppressed (85%)   constituting  the SC/ST/BC's plus the  religious minorities   are taken for a ride and deceived. The "change" brought about in the elections will not "change" the lives of the oppressed.

It is our considered opinion   that there is no  ideological difference between  any "national" political party. The manuwadi communists, who are drubbed and dumped    into the Bay of Bengal, are the worst enemies of the Bengali  Dalit, OBC, Muslims. Thank god, 34 years of uninterrupted fake marxist rule is over.(How  Marx Failed in India,.V.T.Rajshekar  DSA-1998 Rs.40 for photocopy)

Tamil Nadu's corrupt "Cut Throat" has been rightly kicked out. This fake Periyarist,  who  is  interested  only in his many wives and their families,  is rightly taught a lesson.  Compared to him the  honestly Brahminical Bangalore Papatti is any day better .

Bhadralok party: In Kerala, there is no difference between the CPM- led Left Front and the Congress-led United Front. Both are controlled by the Nairs, Brahmins and Syrian Christians  who hate the honest, incorruptible Chief Minister Achutanadan  only because of his  caste and his war against the corrupt.

In Bengal, the "Calcutta Kali" has taken over from the fake marxists.  Good riddance  to bad rubbish.  It is a just  transfer of power from  one Bhadralok party to other super Bhadralok Party. 

Anna Hazare and his upper caste admires  have shed lot of tears on corruption. But the election  verdict was not against the corrupt. All those  voted  to power are equally corrupt.  In Indian elections, corruption is never discussed. Because the rulers liberally bribe  the voters .That means the voters themselves have been corrupted .

The poor, illiterate voters, therefore, are  least bothered about corruption because India's socio-cultural village setup is steeped in corruption. Corruption is  part of life in India.  Anti- corruption  campaign is a fashionable timepasswala  game of the urban elite.

Our  upper caste rulers love only the corrupt.  Their unanimous hatred of the incorruptible V.S. Achutanandan, Kerala CPM chief Minister, proves  that he  was hated only because he waged  a war against the corrupt. The  CPM leadership headed by a Kerala Nair, Karat, hated VS only because of his caste and war on corruption. 

The  Bangalore papatti described  by the media as  the  "iron lady"  is steeped in neck deep corruption. People have seen in TV her tons of gold and sackfull of currency notes.

Street fighter: The famous "street  fighter" called "Culcutta Kali " sings the  same Rabindra sangeet,  worships the same blood-thirsty Durga  and admires the same Vivekananda, the hero of the Hindu terrorist party.  She has  in her inner circle only the Bhadralok  jatis . What is the difference between her and the defeated  CPM govt. headed by the  Brahmin Budha?  Both hate SC/ST/ BCs and Muslims. Where is the difference?

The Bengali Badralok are India's most violent   people, who once inspired the founders of the Hindu terrorist  party, whose hero is the Bengali Bankmimn Chandra. 

India's  "national" toilet papers are all agog about the "big changes" the   mini –revolution, brought  about  in  the Assembly election, specially in Bengal.

 Sorry. In Hindu India political changes do not lead to socio-cultural –economic changes. It is just a change of guard. One  thief takes over from the other thief. Hundreds of elections are over but the thieves   robing the Bahujans (85%) did not stop.  What we need is a socio-cultural change. Not political gimmicks  called   elections that only help the rulers to change the dress and the name to reinforce their oppressive rule.


"Khatri Sick"  PM & corruption


This refers to your Editorial on "Khatri Sick PM" (DV April 1, 2011). I went to the office of the Chief Vigilance Officer, Delhi, Room No.54 - Old Secretariat, Delhi to lodg e acomplaint against corruption. A day before my visit an advt. had appeared in the Hindu inviting complaints against corruption in any department of MCD or Delhi Govt. When I reached there the staf of the officer told me that he was sleeping in his office. I waitied there for two hours but the Sleeping Officer did not wake up. I requested his staf to let me talk to him on phone. But they did not allow me. I asked them to accept my writte complaint. But said ho. All the departments of the MCD and Delhi govt. had joined together and heavily bribed the officer and staff of the Vigilance Officer and asked them not to accept any complaint against anyone. His name is Pradip Hota. Next day I submitted my complaint to the Police Commissioner, Delhi. the condition of the PM is also like that of this "Sleeping Vigilance Officer. A PM should know all that his colleagues are doing becuase their one wrong action might land him and the country in trouble. If he did not know then it means he did not have his eyes and ears open.

Syrian Christians unity


The Catholic and Orthodox Churches in Kerala are set to bury a past custom and ring in bells of a new relationship.This year, 358 years after the churches split in 1653, the authorities are coming out with a mutual agreement to foster unity, beginning with new guidelines for inter-church marriages, making conversion not necessary.Catholic Church has already come to an agreement with the Syrian Jacobite Church and talks are now on with the Orthodox faction.The step to this historic development was taken after the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the oriental Orthodox churches held in Rome in January this year.

Unity efforts had begun since the Vatican Council in 1964. However, no concrete guidelines were formed.

Recently, delegates from Rome, representatives of Syro-Malabar Church and the Orthodox Church had met at the Orthodox Church headquarters at Devalokam, Kottayam, to take the discussions forward.When this agreement comes into effect, brides and grooms would not need to convert to get married in the church of either parties.

  • Already the fishermen converts have broken away from the Roman Catholic Church to form their own Latin Catholic church following discrimination   against them. The praposed "marriage" of all Syrian Christians  into one church will force  Dalit and OBC Christians to get out. Alarming developments.-Editor.

DV Feb.16, 2011 p.9: "Church bosses let down Dalit Christians".

DV Jan.16, 2011 p.10: "Christian institutions under  Brahminic threat".

DV Edit March 16, 2010:"Church exposed Dalit persecution to whole world: Every country today knows Hindu racism", p. 5: "Caste killing the church" & p.8: "Church leadership warned".

DV Jan.1, 2010 p.10: "Kerala Christians in love with Brahmins".

DV April 16, 2009 p.24: "Catholic church must lift ban on marriage".

DV March 16, 2009 p.10: "Why Roman Catholic church is afraid of Brahminical rulers?"

DV March 1, 2009 p.22: "Minority right is granted not for the destruction of the culture of the majority community: Indianise the Christian church" & "Brahminism co-opts Christianity".

DV Jan.1, 2009 p.12: "Syrian Christian leader calls for Hinduisation of Church".

DV Dec.16, 2008 p.26: "Kerala's Syrian Christains go with Hindu oppressors".

DV July 16, 2008 p.10: "Church ignoring Dalit Christian demand for SC status".

DV June 1, 2008 p.26: "Is church doing its duty to oppressed majority?"

DV Feb.16, 2008 p. 8: "Christian Scholars predict Islam will defeat Christianity", p. 9: "Govt. cheats Dalit Christians".

India" & p. 22: "Orissa violence is independent India's biggest attack on Christians".

DV Dec.1, 2007 p.20: "Dalit Christians suffering for not joining Ambedkarites".

DV Sept.1, 2007 p.11: "Upper caste Christians supporting racism are traitors to Bible"

DV Aug.16, 2007 p.21: "Syrian Christian honeymoon with Hindu terrorist RSS". & p. 22: "Brahminised church bows to Hindu terrorists — betraying Dalits".

DV April 16, 2007 p. 6: "Ignorant Christian leaders dancing to Brahminic tunes".

DV Feb.1, 2007 p.8: "Warning to Syrian Christians".

DV Dec.16, 2006 p.25: "Dalit Christian dilemma".

DV Oct.1, 2006 p.11: "Dalit Christians lost for not joining Dalit movement".

DV March 16, 2006 p. 26: "Christian population not growing because of caste within church".

DV March 1, 2006 p. 12: "Dalits lose confidence in church".

DV Feb.16, 2006 p.14: "A church for each caste?"

DV Jan.16, 2006 p. 12: "Caste war in church — DV supports Madras CSI Bishop's bid to oust Syrian Christians".

DV Jan.1, 2006 p.22: "War on church if it rejects Dalit liberation as main agenda".

DV Dec.16, 2004 p.11: "Dalit Chistian public hearing planned".

DV April 1, 2003 p.16: "Monopoly of Syrian Christians over Indian church".

DV Nov.16, 2002 p.11: "Manuwadi Bishops ask Christians to emulate vedic principles".

DV May 1, 2002 p.19: "Dalit Christians told to quit Hindu church".

DV April 16, 2002 p.17: "Church must launch Dalit liberation struggle & fight nazis opposing it".

DV May 16, 1984 p.7: "The Thankless job of Christian missionaries in India".

DV April 1, 1984 p. 3: "Caste war within church".

DV Sept.16, 1984 p. 3: "The Church siding with the rich".

DV Edit Sept.1, 1984: "Christians — Whom are they serving?"

Wonder of Gandhi

Farooq Abdul Gaffar Bawani, Rajkot:

 I read  a book,  "Mahatma Gandhi - An Enigma" by Pravinchandra C. Parekh, M.A., B.Com., LL.B., F.C.A., Chartered Accountant. The Author is  a Jain Baniya. living in Rajkot for over 50 yrs. I just came to know that he has written a book on  Mahatma Gandhi, a cunning Hindu  Baniya of Porbandar . Read this book ( 504 pages) &   Review  in Dalit Voice. As a Muslim, I consider you as an authority on Gandhi and  also let me tell you  that I consider you  more reliable than Syed Shahabuddin, Syed Mehmud, Syed Ahmed Bukhari, a socalled Shahi Imam of Jama Mashjid of Delhi.  I m sending the book  to you .

Dalit-Jat Sikhs divide in Punjab growing

Subhash Chand Musafir, Palampur , Kangra (Dist),HP-176 061:

In Punjab two castes  are working on a war footing  Chamars are spreading their Ravidas  religion. Over 15,000 relgious texts, AMRIT BANI,  have been distributed.  Jat are opposing this. Only Jat Sikhs  are making organising the programme on  June 5,2011 named ('GHALLUGHARA')  Genocide day of Sikhs . They do it on June 5  every year since 1985. The 1984 'Operation  Blue Star'  took place and thousands of innocent Sikhs were killed by the Brahminical  army at Golden Temple . In the history, this was the  third attempt to destroy  the Sikh religion.   Two attempts  were made during the Muslim rule  that made Sikhs  and Muslims bitter enemies . Now the enemity between Jat Sikhs  and Chamars are increasing day after day.  If this not  stopped the results will be too dangerous . Leadership of each and every community has been taken over by the Babas ( religious monks ) in Punjab, wheather it is Jats , Chamars, Churas and other castes .  Baba Ranjit  Singh Dhandrian Wala  is growing very fast in Punjab and Jat Sikhs are calling him second  Sant  Jarnail  Singh Bhindra wale . He speaks like him and  has  the same voice . He is a young man of 30-35 years. You can hear him on Youtube.   Surinder Das Bawa is also growing very  popular among  the Chamars due to leading  Ravidas  religion. Political leadership of every party is bowing  before these two Saints.


"The Smritis  have actually overruled some of the specific dicta of Srutis that have were not in consonance with the spirit of the age, or were coming into direct  conflict with it. The Vedic practice was to perform  daiva karma in the morning  and the pitr tarpana in the afternoon. In the modern pitr tarpanacame into vogue and it began to be offered in the morning, as the morning bath became the order of the day. Now this procedure is in direct conflict with the Vedic  practice prescribed in the above-mentioned rule. Devamabhatta. The author of the smrticandrika, however says that there is nothing wrong in this: the Sruti rule must be presumed to be referring to pitr karma other than tarpana. The  Sruti literature shows that Visvamitra adopted Sunassepa, though he had a hundred sons living: this would thus permit a person to adopt a son even when  he had a number of his owm sons living. But Mitramisra  says that such a deduction would be wrong; we shall have to assume that the Smriti practice is also based upon a Sruti text, which is not now available  but the existence of which will have to be assumed."

"The Vedic passage, na seso  'gne'nyajatamasti  certainly disapproves of the practice of the adoption of a son, which is, clearly recommended in later times by Smriti literature. This is a clear example of a Sruti being thrown overboard by a Smriti. But Mitramisra says that there is nothing wrong about the procedure. The Sruti passage is a mere arthavada; it does not lay down any injunction. The  Smritis  on the other hand prescribe adoption so that homas etc. should be performed. Arthavada Sruti is thus being fittingly overruled by a Smriti text, which has a vidhi for its purport."

"The custom of the Sati of the later age is in direct conflict with the vedic injunction prohibiting suicide. Apararka , however. Argues that the conflict with Srti should not invalidate  the custom. For the Sruti passage lays down a general principle disapproving suicide, while the Smritis lay down a special exception in the case of a widow"  

Whether the customs of a Sati and adoption are good or not is a different question. Somehow or others society had come to approve of them. Smritis gave canonical sanction to them and sought to defend them even against the authority of the Vedas.

 The question is why did the Brahmins after having struggled so hard for establishing the supremacy of the Vedas degrade the Vedas and invest the Smritis with authority superior to that of the Vedas?  They did so much to raise the authority of the Vedas above the divine. Why did they drag them below the Smritis which had nothing but social sanction?

The steps they adopted were so ingenious and artificial that one cannot help feeling that there must have been some definite motive which led the Brahmins to give the Smritis a status superior to that of the Vedas.

To give some idea as to how artificial, ingenious and desparate  these argument were it might be useful to give just a brief outline of them

As an illustration of an artificial argument, one may refer to the view propounded by Brahaspati. According to him, Sruti and Smriti are the two eyes of the Brahmana, if he is void of one of them he becomes a one-eyed person. 

 As an illustration of an ingenious argument one may refer to the argument of Kumarila Bhatt. His argument is founded on the theory of lost Sruti. It was argued on behalf of the Smritis that their views cannot be set aside even when they are in direct conflict with the Srutis for they may quite possibly have been based upon a lost text of Sruti, and so the conflict is not a conflict between a text of sruti and that of a Smriti. It is really a conflict between an existing and lost text of Sruti.Smriti therefore came to be represented as lost Sruti.

(To be continued)


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches, Vol.4,  Riddles in Hinduism (p.56-58) 1987, Rs. 35. Maharashtra Govt.,  Manager, Govt. Central Book Depot, Near Charni Road
Railway Station, Netaji Subhash Road, Bombay - 400 004.

Thus Spake Periyar

Similarly the Devas (gods)n prayed to Paramasivan to Destroy the 'Asuras'(Non-Brahmin Dravidians) . Kandan was born to Paramasivas\n for that purpose . Nothing is known about the birth  and parentage of Sita, the wife of Rama. Similarly nothing is known about the birth and  parentage of Valli. The wife of Kandan.

The birth of Rama is an absurdity. He was born to the Brahmins who performed 'Yaga' . The birth of Kandan is still worse. When the semon  of Paramasivan fell down, the earth was not able to bear it. So it was directed towards sea, Kandan was born there. I am not telling this of my own accord. It is Viswamitra who said all these. In the Ramayana as  the Rakshasas were being killed more and more Rakshasas are said to have  been born newly. Similarly it is stated in the Kandapurana  that Asuras were beheaded. The dead Asuras are said to have appeared with new lives. Like these you find many similarities between Ramayana  and Kandapurana. Looking into the behaviour  of the devoteese of saivism as well as Vaishnavism, we find them to be of the same type, one coping the other .

 In Saivism, we find a devotee called Tiruneelakandar, who was a potter. Similarly in Vaishnavism we find a devotee called Gorakummbar. He was also a potter. The stories of the both the devotee  are alike. Both of them were not in terms with wives. They did not oven speak to their wives. It is Vishnu the god who brought in good terms between  Gorakumbar and his wife. It is Paramasivan who brought in good terms between Tiruneelakandar and his wife.

Even as Ramayana is considered to be an epic by Hindu Vaishnavites , the Hindu  saivites consider Periyapurnam as their epic. One cannot easily state that there is anything to be learnt by the people, Indiscipline, prostitution  and  things devoid of self respect abonnd, in these epics.

If we are to accept them as divine literature and talk  in praise of these epics and god  and religion, we will only be exhibiting our uncivilized barbarous status in our life.

One devotee  willingly offers his wife to Brahmin. One devotee uses his elbow to grind the sandal wood. One devotee offers  the hairs of his daughter to temple, What is the use of reading such things? It may justify the offering of anything and everything to the highest caste Brahmins. These stories serve  the  purpose of creating disharmony, You find the story of an untouchable called Nandanar in Saivism. Similarly you find the story of an untouchable called Sokkamela in Vaishnavism . their stories are also similar. They were admitted into the temple and given salvation by their respective gods

Vaishnavism permits even stealing and cheating in the name of god . Tirumangai Alwar's story vouchsafes it. Similarly the story of Manickavasagar  in Saivism approves stealing and cheating in the name of god. Both of them were given salvation by their respective god, for their religious service by stealing and cheating. The Vaishnavite gods and Saivite  gods compete  with one another     absurdities, foolishness, and barbarity. They  prescribed tests to their devotees  thinking themselves to be very intelligent. A      false  Impression   was created to make offerings ungrudgingly to the so called holy Brahmins. One must be a fool to believe that these books are helpful to the Hindu society. Similarly if the Tamil scholars  and enthusiasts champion the cause of these books and aspire to spread them, I would only say that they are doing great disservice to the society of Tamil. From the beginning to the end we do not find anything decent or justifiable in the Ramayana. Every action of Rama is atrocious. How to worship him as god? Could anyone boldly say as to how Ramayana is useful to the majority of the people?

If it   is considered as an epic or literature . should there be no rules to govern it for giving such a status? Is there no limit for imagination? Would any one agree to part away with his wife. Just because a poet has excelled in his imagination? How could anyone emulate the example set by the devotees. Should not such men be beaten black and blue? The Tamil scholars and  pundits do not understand this simple matter . How could they command the respect of the people? The saivite Tamil Pundits insist on safeguarding Periyapuram.  They    say that  it contains historical and geographical truths and also many astronomical  fact.             (To be continued).

Collected Works of Periyar , (pp.167to 170)   (4th edn. 2007),  The Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution, Periyar Thidal, 50-EVK Sampath Rd., Vepery, Madras - 600 007.


Mangalore edition of DV released

Our correspondent

Mangalore:  The first issue of the Dalit Voice  published from here was released on May 27, 2011  by a Dalit woman   labourer living in a remote village. Editor , V.T.Rajshekar presided over the 2-  hour long function held at the historic St. Aloysius College auditorium. Representative from   Dalit, OBC, Muslim, Christian were present in  the packed hall. The event ,however, was ignored by the Brahminical media. Mrs. Athradi  Amrita  shetty  conducted the whole proceedings  in the local  Tulu language.

Will India-Pak border clash trigger a bloody III World War

Our Correspondent

Mangalore :  India is facing a very serious threat, if reports coming from Pakistan are to be believed.  Pakistan is fast slipping into the jaws of   "Islamic terrorists". After ousting  the  US, the sole super power, from Afghanistan, the lslamists of both countries today stand united. Their next target is  to "liberate" Kashmir.


Islamist threat on Kashmir: In Pakistan, the army is closer to Islamists. The  masses of Pakistan also admire the Islamists and also  the Army but hate the Pakistan political leadership which represents  the feudal interests. The fear  is Pakistan's nuclear facility may fall into their hands. With  China being the closest ally of Pakistan and also India being  hostile to both, what will India do if the enraged Islamists march on Kashmir?

    Terrorist activities have become a daily routine and the Army is secretly cooperating with the Islamists. India is surrounded by all  hostile countries but China  is loved by everybody. Informed source say that Pakistan and Afghanistan   Islamists, with the support of China , will be a formidable force for the  Indian rulers to counter.

China goes with Pakistan: India-Pakistan  border is turning into the world's most dangerous spot and experts fear that it may even spark the 3 World War with China joining Pakistan . India and Pakistan have fought three  wars and the "disputed Kashmir" is the source of all the trouble. Amnesty International has already indicted India for the "lawless law" in Kashmir(DV June 1,2011 p.20).

    Pakistan army is closer to its Islamists than the corrupt Pakistani leadership. Even the US ranks the Pak army above all others. Islamist "terror" did not die with Osama Bin Laden (DV June 1,2011 p.6:"Terrorism will not end  with Osama  killing)

Hindu hate- mongering   on one side and Islamic terrorism   on the other may spark off a   3 W.W.  further   impoverishing the already poor India.  

End of the road to Yunus


Mangalore: Despite  the  best   efforts   of Indian rulers and their American bosses, they could not save their darling Mohamad Yunus (71), the Bangaladeshi  money-lender  and Nobel Peace Prize winner . The Bangaladeshi Supreme Court itself   dismissed  the appeal    against  his  dismissal  on May 5, 2011 -–signaling  the end to his   blood-sucking game via micro-finance. 

DV has made all these  predictions which should prove that anybody  the Jews and the "Jews of India" embrace will meet with a miserable  end.


DV March 1, 2011 p.10: "DV proves right on Telugu blood-sucker".

DV Feb.16, 2011 p.18: "Notorious Telugu blood-sucker of rural women glamourised".

DV Feb.1, 2011 p.27: "Nobel Award Winnder Yunus facing corruption charges".

DV Jan.1, 2011 p.21: "Muslim blood-sucker faces Bangladesh probe".

DV Oct.1, 2010 p.21: "How to kill poor villagers through money-lending business: The rise of the new Bania blood-suckers", & p. 22: "Dacoits enter microfinance".

DV Nov.16, 2006 p.11: "Bangladesh crisis &Yunus the peace-monger".

Christian – Muslim unity alone can end terrorism


 Mangalore: Osama may be dead but the  cause for which he stood will never die. If the West, meaning the  White  Western Christians, want to kill "Islamic terrorism" for which Osama was being held responsible , then they must free themselves from the clutches of Zionist Jews and join the Muslims who are the brothers of Christians and enemies of Jews.

  Both are fighting the same common enemy, the Zionist Jews. Jesus Christ himself was killed by the Jews

Hamas–Fatah pact; The moment the Christian West  calls halt to "clash of civilizations", terrorism will be dead. Or else, terrorism will continue even without Osama.

  Osama had nothing against the US but the mere 2% Jews are holding its neck. The US can breath free once  the Christians and Muslims unite. The Pope must take the lead in such a unity movement 

 The current revolution  in the Arab world will be definitely hijacked by the Islamists. The West is helping  the process by its current actions.

 The latest welcome development in Palestine  must be seized  by the West to force West Bank to join hands with Gaza  and force a Hamas-Fatah pact for a united Palestine. Once Israel is cut to size, Palestine problem will end. And  with its terrorism.

Hindu superstition pushing India backward


   Mangalore: Every progress is achieved only through science and technology. This is evident from the performance of all those countries like China that leaped to the front.

    But "Hindu India" is simply going backward and more backward-- reaching almost the last place among the 190-odd  UN members.

    The Hindu superstition is not allowing the people to go forward. Here is a powerful proof :-

      At last the Travancore Devaswom Bord, Kerala, on 25-4-2011  conceded  in an affidavit it filed in the Kerala High Court that the Makaravilakku, which is seen during the peak of the Sabarimala  pilgrimage, was 'man-made' and sought permission to have it lit by a temple priest from now on.

     The High Court had  earlier asked the TDB to clarify whether the Makara Vilaku and the Makara Jyothi were man- made or divine.
The issue had come up before the High Court after the crowding of piligrims is Pulmedu to witness Makaravilakku on Jan 14, 2011 that  triggered a stampede and killed 102 devotees.

  A division bench said there was no need to conduct a probe to find out whether the light was a divine or man-made one since it was a matter  of belief.

   The TDB submitted that adivasis used to perform poojas earlier at Ponnambalamedu and these were being continued through other agencies. It also said that the discontinuance of the age-old Makara Vilakku ritual will hurt the religious sentiments of million of devotees and sought the permission of the High Court.  The Makara  Vilakku  lit by a priest deputed by the TDB, besides seeking  the cooperation of the forest ,police, electricity and other departments.

   The court granted the permission but the board cannot use govt. funds for this.

   The devotees were believing that the light sighted on Makara Sankaranthi day was a divine one and crowds of piligrims were blindly rushing to witness the light. Hence the stampede on  Jan14, in  which 102 pilgrims died. 

    Such is the strong  superstious beliefs of the gullible devotees, who are prepared  to shell  out their hard earned money and valuable time to visit Sabarimala every year. We wonder when such madness is going to end?

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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