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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fwd: Fw: Suspicious package to U.S. not from Yemen: Yemenia Air Cargo Director01 Nov 2010

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From: Brian Rayner <>
Date: Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 3:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Suspicious package to U.S. not from Yemen: Yemenia Air Cargo Director01 Nov 2010

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From: CLG_News
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 7:48 AM
Subject: Suspicious package to U.S. not from Yemen: Yemenia Air Cargo Director01 Nov 2010

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
01 Nov 2010
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Suspicious package to U.S. not from Yemen: Yemenia Air Cargo Director [It was probably from Langley, the point of origin for most suspicious crap.] 29 Oct 2010 Mohammed al-Shaibah, Air Cargo Director for Yemenia Airways said to Yemen Post, "No UPS cargo plane left Yemeni lands over the land 48 hours. These accusations are false and baseless." He added, "No UPS or DHL cargo packages heading to Chicago through Yemen took place in the last 48 hours as well." "All packages are checked very carefully in Yemen, and there is no evidence to prove that this package came through Yemen."

UAE rejects US claims on Flight 201 30 Oct 2010 The United Arab Emirates' Civil Aviation Authority has rejected claims that a US-bound Emirates' flight from Dubai contained "suspicious" parcels from Yemen. Fighter jets were scrambled on Friday to accompany an Emirates plane into New York's JFK airport after a security alert, US media reported. Emirati authorities, however, said flight 201 carried no 'suspicious' cargo from Yemen as claimed by US-Canadian military agency NORAD. UAE officials rejected the claim and said the plane was not a source of threat. [Well, it appears that this false flag is may have a much shorter 'unraveling' shelf life than others.]

Saudi man 'key suspect' in jet bomb plot, says US 01 Nov 2010 US officials have suggested a Saudi bombmaker is the key suspect in last week's attempt to send two parcel bombs from Yemen to the US on cargo planes. They named the man as Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, who is said to be the main bombmaker for al-Qaeda's Yemeni branch. It has emerged that one of the bombs was carried on two passenger planes before being seized in Dubai.

Mail bomb suspect 'had ID stolen' 31 Oct 2010 The young Yemeni woman arrested on suspicion of mailing powerful bombs to US synagogues has been released on bail as Yemeni officials said authorities believed her identity had been stolen. Authorities arrested 22-year-old Hanan al-Samawi after tracking the name and address used on the packages. But after she was arrested, the shipping agent said she wasn't the one who signed the shipping documents, a Yemeni official said.

Mail bomb investigators push on with Yemen manhunt 30 Oct 2010 Their first suspect in custody, Yemeni police continued to search for the terrorists believed responsible for mailing a pair of powerful bombs to attack the United States. U.S. and Yemeni officials were increasingly seeing al-Qaida's hand in the failed plot. Yemeni police arrested a young woman who was a medical student on suspicion of mailing a pair of bombs powerful enough to take down airplanes, officials said Sunday. They also detained her mother.

Police seize 26 'suspect packages' in Yemen 31 Oct 2010 The news of the seizures came as Home Secretary Theresa May confirmed that the device found on board a US-bound UPS cargo plane at East Midlands airport on Friday was a "viable" bomb that could have blown the aircraft out of the sky. Another device was found on a plane in Dubai. Both were contained in packages which originated in Yemen.

White House: could be more mail bombs 31 Oct 2010 President Barack Obama's counterterrorism adviser said Sunday that authorities "have to presume" there might be more potential mail bombs like the ones pulled from planes in England and the United Arab Emirates. The foiled plot "certainly bears the hallmark" of al-Qaida's Yemen branch, known as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, and the terrorist group is "still at war with us and we are very much at war with them," deputy national security adviser John Brennan said.

U.S. official says 2 package bombs were intended to detonate 'in flight' 31 Oct 2010 The two package bombs intercepted by authorities in Britain and Dubai last week appear to have been built to detonate "in flight" and to bring down the planes carrying them, President Obama's top counterterrorism adviser said. "At this point we, I think, would agree with the British that it looks as though they were designed to be detonated in flight," said the adviser, John Brennan, speaking Sunday on the CBS program "Face the Nation."

Cargo plane bomb plot: al-Qaeda terrorists 'threatened another Lockerbie' 31 Oct 2010 The al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] parcel bomb plot was designed to blow up passenger jets in a Lockerbie-style terrorist outrage, investigators believe. Both bombs found last week had been transported in the hold of passenger flights, suggesting that the terrorists were targeting tourists and other travellers, rather than simply trying to bring down cargo planes, as had previously been thought. A device found at East Midlands airport on Friday had left Yemen on a passenger aircraft, The Daily Telegraph has learnt, before it was switched to a UPS cargo plane. The second device, found in Dubai, was carried on two Qatar Airways passenger flights before it was intercepted.

The ink bomb was virtually undetectable 31 Oct 2010 The ink cartridge bomb was so well-hidden that British police failed to find it when they first examined a consignment sent from Yemen Langley. Sources say the difficulty in finding the bomb reflects its sophistication, hidden in a desk top printer and carefully concealed to make it look as though it was part of the machinery... The device used a high explosive called Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), one of the main ingredients of the plastic explosive Semtex.

Intelligence spending at record $80.1 billion overall [Notice that the false flag emerges the same day as the report?] 29 Oct 2010 The government announced Thursday that it had spent $80.1 billion on intelligence activities over the past 12 months, disclosing for the first time not only the amount spent by civilian intelligence agencies but also by the military. The National Intelligence Program, run by the CIA and other agencies that report to the Director of National Intelligence, cost $53.1 billion in fiscal 2010, which ended Sept. 30, while the Military Intelligence Program cost an additional $27 billion.

Mr President we've lost control of FIFTY nuclear warheads: Obama told how his arsenal was hit by 45-minute computer glitch 28 Oct 2010 It was one of the most nerve-racking 45-minute periods U.S. military chiefs have ever known. Pentagon chiefs were stunned to discover that a U.S. air force base had lost control of 50 nuclear, inter-continental missiles. A power failure meant that one-ninth of America's nuclear arsenal went offline for three-quarters of an hour, it emerged yesterday. As multiple error codes appeared on the computer control system at FE Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming, the Minuteman III missiles went into 'LF Down' status, which meant that officers were unable to communicate with them. [See also: Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' By Lori Price.]

Air Force: Teams working to isolate ICBM glitch 30 Oct 2010 Work has begun to try to replicate an electronics glitch and determine what disrupted communication between 50 nuclear missiles and a launch control center at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, a U.S. Air Force official said Wednesday. Teams from F.E. Warren and Hill Air Force Base in Utah think they've isolated the faulty part where the problem occurred, said Lt. Col. John Thomas, spokesman for the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command.

Taliban capture key city in Afghanistan 01 Nov 2010 Taliban capture key city in Afghanistan 01 Nov 2010 The Taliban have gained control of the city of Khogyani in the Ghazni province in central Afghanistan, a Taliban spokesman says. "We were in contact with several members of the city's police force prior to the attack," a Press TV correspondent quoted Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid as saying on Monday. According to Mujahid, the Taliban seized all the weapons and ammunition from the city's local police station and then they set the building on fire. "At least 16 police officers joined Taliban forces after the takeover," he went on to say. [Now, are these the same police officers trained by US contractors -- at enormous taxpayer expense -- even though US citizens have to pay an extra 75 dollars or firefighters will watch while their house burns to the ground in Kentucky? Karma... it truly is a  b*tch. --LRP]

German troops wounded in Afghanistan 31 Oct 2010 Four US-led soldiers have been injured in the northern Afghanistan province of Konduz after their vehicles were struck with roadside bombs. The Taliban have taken responsibility for the attack, which targeted German soldiers. The militants claim they destroyed two NATO tanks and killed a number of soldiers.

NATO plane goes down in Afghanistan 30 Oct 2010 A NATO plane has crashed in the eastern Afghan province of Khost following a number of similar coalition aircraft accidents. Reports say the reconnaissance plane crashed due to technical malfunction. [?!?] However, officials said the cause of the crash has yet to be determined.

Unauthorized US strike kills 6 Pakistanis 01 Nov 2010 A non-UN-sanctioned drone attack by the US military in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal district has killed five [six] people, Pakistani security officials say. The attack took place in the early hours of Monday. The aerial assaults, initiated by former US President [sic] George W. Bush, have been escalated under President Barack Obama.

82nd Airborne unit going to Iraq in spring 30 Oct 2010 Members of the 82nd Airborne Division's 2nd Brigade Combat Team will deploy to Iraq next spring to help U.S. forces as they try to make sure the Iraqi government can control the country, Army Chief of Staff George W. Casey Jr. said Friday. The 2nd Brigade will be in Iraq in support of several hundred soldiers from the 18th Airborne Corps Headquarters, who are scheduled to go to Iraq in January to take command of the 49,000 or so U.S. troops who remain there. [I'm so glad that Obama ended the war in Iraq!]

37 hostages killed in Baghdad church drama 01 Nov 2010 Thirty-seven hostages were killed and 56 wounded when militants raided a Baghdad church on Sunday, a government official said. The attack, claimed by an 'al-Qaeda' group, ended when US and Iraqi forces stormed the building. "The latest toll is that 37 of the hostages were killed and 56 wounded," an Iraqi interior ministry official said.

US sentences former Guantanamo child detainee Khadr to 40 years in prison --Khadr will serve less under plea deal 31 Oct 2010 A US military tribunal has sentenced former Guantanamo child detainee Omar Khadr to 40 years imprisonment, although he will only serve up to eight years behind bars under a plea deal. A seven-member military panel handed down their decision on Sunday after nearly nine hours of deliberation over a two-day period. Last Monday, Khadr pleaded guilty to avoid a life sentence, pleading guilty to murder in violation of the laws of war, providing material assistance to a terrorist organization, and espionage.

FBI Documents on Senator Paul Wellstone Raise Questions about His Death 8 Years Ago (Democracy Now!) 29 Oct 2010 Minnesota Public Radio has obtained the FBI record of the late Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, who died in a plane crash eight years ago this week. The records show the FBI first tracked Wellstone in 1970 after he was arrested at an anti-Vietnam War protest. The records might also raise new questions about the plane crash that killed Wellstone, his wife, his daughter and three staffers. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the crash was caused by pilot error, but the FBI documents reveal for the first time that specific criminal leads were pursued by investigators.

Call to beef up vaccine monitoring 31 Oct 2010 There are calls for more active monitoring of vaccination programs in Australia, after this year's seasonal flu jab was linked to a spate of serious fevers in young children. Use of the trivalent flu jab was suspended nationally in April for children under five years - an unprecedented move - after a string of adverse reactions, mostly in WA. Writing with fellow experts in an editorial published in the Medical Journal of Australia, Dr Michael Gold said the case had revealed the shortcomings of existing "passive surveillance".

Stewart-Colbert rally draws polite throng to D.C. 31 Oct 2010 It was a vast, polite celebration of keeping it civil, keeping it sane. In their much-touted Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on Saturday, Comedy Central twin threats Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert treated thousands packed in the National Mall to jokes, music, repetitions of the Wave, and a profound message: No matter what happens in this election, lots of people want to be reasonable. [Useless is as useless does. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert refuse to offend the US Reichwing and its corporaterrorist overlords. Instead, they 'insanely' call for 'compromise.' The GOP/teabaggers do not compromise. This refusal to compromise -- while Democrats do nothing *but* compromise -- has fueled the GOP's rise to power. Hence, Stewart and Colbert's call to 'compromise' is a de facto call to surrender. --LRP]

WellPoint gave $1.4 million to elect Republicans --With health-care overhaul coming, insurer gave to groups working to elect governors, other officials 30 Oct 2010 Indianapolis-based WellPoint has given nearly $1.4 million in contributions to help put Republicans in governors' mansions and in other state offices around the country, according to campaign disclosure reports. The health insurance giant terrorist group is the fourth-largest contributor to the Republican State Leadership Committee, which works to elect Republicans as attorney generals, lieutenant governors, secretaries of state and state legislators.

Altered documents allow Carroll's firm into city contract program 29 Oct 2010 Altered documents filed with Jacksonville City Hall in 2006 helped Jennifer Carroll's consulting firm appear eligible for a city program that annually gives out tens of millions of dollars in city contracts to small businesses, a Florida Times-Union investigation has found. Carroll is the running mate of Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott... When the city reviewed Carroll's application for the Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business program, it included lease documents that were altered to show her firm was eligible because it had a Duval County address. That address belonged to an empty office space.

Drowning in Campaign Cash (The New York Times) 30 Oct 2010 What is clear is that the new world of unlimited spending, both open and secret, confers huge benefits on wealthy individuals, corporations and unions. In a striking example, reported by ABC News last week, Terry Forcht, a prominent Kentucky banker and nursing home executive, helped pay for a series of attack ads against Attorney General Jack Conway, the Democratic Senate candidate. Mr. Conway is prosecuting one of Mr. Forcht's nursing homes for allegedly covering up sexual abuse. Mr. Forcht has directly raised at least $21,000 for Mr. Conway's Republican opponent, Rand Paul. He serves as the banker for American Crossroads, the shadowy group of nonprofits organized by Karl Rove that has spent nearly $30 million to defeat Democrats and more than $1 million to defeat Mr. Conway.

BP dispersants 'causing sickness' --Investigation by Al Jazeera online correspondent finds toxic illnesses linked to BP oil dispersants along Gulf coast. 29 Oct 2010 BP has admitted to using at least 1.9 million gallons of widely banned toxic dispersants (one that has been banned in the UK), which according to chemist Bob Naman, create an even more toxic substance when mixed with crude oil. And dispersed, weathered oil continues to flow ashore daily. Naman, who works at the Analytical Chemical Testing Lab in Mobile, Alabama, has been carrying out studies to search for the chemical markers of the dispersants BP used to both sink and break up its oil. According to Naman, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from this toxic mix are making people sick.

One-fifth of vertebrates face extinction 27 Oct 2010 A recent study shows that about one-fifth of the world's vertebrates are on the verge of extinction due to climate change and environmental issues. More than 170 scientists from different countries used data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List and examined the status of the world's mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fishes. Results showed that, on average, 50 species of mammals, birds and amphibians move closer to extinction each year due to the expansion of farms and plantations, logging and over-hunting.

Freed, thanks to Mail readers - Mely the chained orangutan 29 Oct 2010 After 15 years in ­shackles, perhaps it was inevitable that when the moment came for rescuers to free Mely the orangutan, no one could find the key to unlock her padlock and chain. Yet she stood upright on her thin, wasted legs as the team from the British charity arrived by boat at the spot where she had been shackled in Kalimantan, Borneo. Mely had been held there in unspeakably cruel conditions by a fisherman who shot her mother as a 'trophy'.

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Previous lead stories: George Bush thought 9/11 plane had been shot down on his orders [Well, Cheney's.] Memoirs reveal former US president gave order to shoot down any hijacked planes before United Airlines flight 93 crashed. 29 Oct 2010 George Bush initially believed the only plane not to reach its intended target during the 11 September attacks had been shot down on his orders, according to leaks from the former president's [sic] memoir of his two terms in office. Bush reveals that he gave the order for any further suspected hijacked planes to be shot down after the first aircraft were flown into the World Trade Centre in New York during the 2001 terror attacks. He at first thought the crash of United Airlines flight 93 in Pennsylvania had resulted from this instruction, although it later emerged was spun that passengers had stormed the cockpit as hijackers flew the plane towards the Capitol building in Washington.
Explosives Found On US-Bound Planes 29 Oct 2010 Two suspicious packages found on US-bound planes did contain explosives, President Obama has confirmed. The latest development comes amid a huge terror alert on both sides of the Atlantic, which included US fighter jets escorting a passenger plane into New York. Mr Obama named al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (Aqap) as possibly being behind the terror plot.
TSA to phase in new pat-down procedures at airports nationwide --'Passengers who opt out of advanced imaging technology screening will receive alternate screening to include a thorough pat-down.' [Yeah, and they can't *wait* for the thirteen-year-olds to fly! Predators with a 'purpose' get a pass.] 29 Oct 2010 Airline passengers can expect to see as well as feel new pat-down procedures at U.S. airports over the coming weeks in an effort to provide another layer of security for travelers, the Transportation Security Administration said Thursday. "Pat-downs are one important tool to help TSA detect hidden and dangerous items such as explosives," according to a TSA statement sent to CNN. The TSA said passengers should continue to expect "an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams, among others."
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