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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fwd: Fw: 'Israel pays no war compensation'

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 4:19 PM
Subject: Fw: 'Israel pays no war compensation'

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From: KarimAG
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: 'Israel pays no war compensation'



'Israel pays no war compensation'

Sat Apr 9, 2011 10:1AM

Interview with Reza Kazim, Islamic Human Rights Commission, London


A Gazan Women shows by example the inhumane conditions she lives under.

Israel has yet to be forced to pay any financial compensation for its acts of war against the civilians of occupied Palestine.

In an interview with Press TV, Reza Kazim, of the Islamic Human Rights Commission in London discusses how he believes that the immunity given to Israel by the UN, US and the international community has actually encouraged Israel to push its agenda without fear of loss.

Press TV: Attacks on Gaza have exponentially increased over the last two weeks. We are not hearing much in the mainstream media condemning these acts; in fact, they are being presented in a way (to cause the public to believe) that what is happening in Gaza is in retaliation to an act by Hamas or some other group towards Israel. How do you see this perspective, and what exactly is going on?

Reza Kazim: This is a long term agenda. The language of those who have initiated attacks is the 'fog of words' that the western media often uses to move the emphasis away from what is actually going on in Gaza and the oppression of its people for over 60 years.

Always it has been presented that the Israelis have got modern state-of-the-art technology; but somehow, they are the ones being oppressed. The numbers of the fatalities that have actually taken place present a completely different picture of what has happened. Violations have been documented by the UN and by doctors that have gone into Gaza while Operation Cast Lead was taking place and documented what kind of injuries have taken place give a lie to that narrative that is put out by western media - the constant shelling, constant bombardment over a number of years.

In that sense, it is nothing new; the BBC and other channels are continuing that policy of having a bias in reporting this - they're happy to report, for example, of a bomb that might have been diffused in Israel and make that the main headline; but the fact that people have been killed by Israeli warplanes and from where those planes were purchased, is hardly part of their story and the language used is also affected in a biased way.

Press TV: We know that the Israeli onslaught back in 2009 caused over 1,400 deaths and several thousand injuries. How much of what is happening now do you think is because no one has ever had to pay (compensation) -- not only for the numbers killed and people's lives destroyed, but also the infrastructure destroyed?

Reza Kazim: No one is going to pay for this apart from the Palestinians, and they have been paying for a very long time and continue to pay with their lives and livelihoods as they live in difficult circumstances.

They absolutely should be made to pay. The people or nations, who have supplied Israel with banned weapons should also be held responsible. The people, who continue to support what Israel does and classify Israel as a friend - we had recently, for instance, an attack against the dictator Muammar Qaddafi; yet, they had been friends with that individual for quite some time - relations had been developed.

In the same situation in Israel there is oppression going on. Where is someone speaking out regarding that? It is clearly something that is not happening.

Would Middle Eastern armies stand up for Palestine? The fact that the Rafah Crossing is being targeted should be seen as something the Egyptian army could respond to. Whether they will or not, it is clear from what is going on that they probably will not.

But the right thing to do would be to resist the Israelis' trying to target the Rafah Crossing. And there should be an expectation built up that there are things people should be doing.

People (government) are, for example, prepared to suppress the rights of people in Bahrain. Yet, when it comes to the real rights of people to be defended, they're not so ready to defend for the sake of justice; yet, they're more than happy to cooperate in a nation's suppression and oppression of a people.

Press TV:Do you agree that we have entered a new stage that more people are becoming aware of the realities of Israel?

Reza Kazim: I think that Operation Cast Lead clearly opened up the eyes of what was actually going on to the whole world, I think there were mass protests happening all over the world and I think the fact that there is a complete change of scenario -- change of mood -- with regards to Palestine and Israel and who the real victim is, is very clear.

I think while Operation Cast Lead was going on it was also interesting that the security forces, and the police in London, for example, were, at the behest of their government, starting a crackdown so that the idea of protesting against what's going on in Israel and the way that the police posed, they were particularly heavily handed.

And the jail terms that were handed out to some of those people that protested, were very very severe and harsh, and it is clear that there was an idea that's what they will do if anyone dares to come out on the streets of London to protest against what's going on in Israel. There will be a heavy crackdown in terms of how the police deal with you .... after the event. Yet despite that, people are still passionate about the issue. (That) continues to say that this is something that we are going to make sure is going to continue.

A genocide memorial day has been initiated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission, which has actually been done; but normally, we should look at preventing genocides and remembering those that have happened in the past, but also be very clear that we want current genocides to actually finish. And I think that people need to look into it and work together on it.


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